Technical > Wiring & Sensors
BiFuel on VEMS
You have a nice load of information on there - and I think that might be the problem - questions will get missed.
Put the specific questions at the top of the page. It also helps to put in other pages, if you were to edit your page and type:
MembersPage/GoranJurkovic/WizardOfNOSAndVEMS you'll see that when you save the page that a ? mark with an underline appears, click on that any you find a new page has been created, in there you could put your section on NOS - then when you save it put a question in the comments box - that way it should attract attention.
I'm not sure that I know how to create links and pages on wiki...
I'm sorry but I really can't explain it any other way than above.
Well, I managed it... :D :lol:
Now I have to somehow get their attention... :D
Post your links here :)
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