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BiFuel on VEMS

Started by mr_g, November 21, 2007, 09:04:52 AM

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Please move the topic to right subforum if it is in wrong one...

I have heard that somebody in VEMS development team is working on LPG+fuel system. I think on Golf GTI or something...

Does anybody know who this guy is? I have few ideas and would like to know how this part of VEMS is working, before I switch to VEMS... :D


Let's expand things about LPG...

It has MAP sensor on inlet, it also has MAP sensor on LPG rail (because LPG pressure isn't constant, and therefor you need to implement this in injector opening algorithm). So, it's like fuel with this element added, and also, it must have a little more advanced ignition...

So VEMS must be able to have 2 MAP-injection and MAP-ignition maps (one for fuel, one for LPG), totally independent one from the other, or better yet, to have complete 2 different configurations: one for fuel, one for LPG...

Is this possible? Will you upgrade to ATmega2561? :lol: Is there enough memory space? :D

[email protected]

I think this is the sort of project thats best done via the Wiki - the forum support is pretty much my area of responsability, other team members do get asked the questions I don't know the answers to (and I answer them here to look really clever ;))  But development of new functionality is not something I have the resources to work on, this place keeps me fairly busy!


Now, I would sound like dummy, but how in hell do you use that wiki thing?  ??? ;D

I have never seen something like that...  :D Gess, I'm not the IRC guy...  :D

[email protected]

Wiki is an aquired tasted, I've made a page for you:

Click on the Edit this document hyperlink on that page and have a play.


Quote from: [email protected] on November 21, 2007, 11:13:24 PM
Wiki is an aquired taste

You can say that again. I'd spiral into depression if I had to give up Rob/the forum and go to the wiki. Gah.
1994 Black SE-R (VEMS, going turbo)
1994 Black SE-R (with sunroof)

[email protected]

It used to have a practice area to play with the old wiki, but that seems to have disappeared now.

'''Three apostrophes either side of the text''' will make it bold
= A single equals sign = either side is a heading
== makes a smaller heading == smaller
=== three equals === will give you the smallest heading

----- will give a full line break.

There are no emoticons on the wiki, it is not a place for smilies, just grey rain and misery ;)

[email protected]

You have a nice load of information on there - and I think that might be the problem - questions will get missed.

Put the specific questions at the top of the page.  It also helps to put in other pages, if you were to edit your page and type:
MembersPage/GoranJurkovic/WizardOfNOSAndVEMS  you'll see that when you save the page that a ? mark with an underline appears, click on that any you find a new page has been created, in there you could put your section on NOS - then when you save it put a question in the comments box - that way it should attract attention.


[email protected]

I'm sorry but I really can't explain it any other way than above.

[email protected]

Post your links here :)
