Author Topic: 13B Rotary (s5) VR Sensor issues  (Read 6299 times)

Offline DButters

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13B Rotary (s5) VR Sensor issues
« on: August 21, 2017, 11:32:27 am »
Hi All,
I've had the car limping along for a little while now, but I have serious trigger issues. basically:
1. Takes 10 seconds or so of cranking to sync up with current settings
2. Will randomly sync out by 1 tooth and run with drastically shifted timing as a result

I've checked grounds, will run them again to be sure.
I do have another RX7 running great but this one has the VR sensor on the CAS as opposed to the newer Hall sensors at the crankwheel.

- If I set 'Ignore sectrig pulses above' to 255 (currently set to 160), cranking starts the car almost immediately, but RPM jumps all over the place and engine soon dies.
Triggerlog with ignore at  255:!2QlSEapS!JUnrtS6jtq1BdCjyHc3abBGrGMjzyQCvu6YpCqs9adA

Triggerlog with ignore at 160:!iQdQXQJY!z9GYDWkl2B-jZiqFJvN5GMBqzqfxXIc4FRq05cIvvjY


Any ideas?