Technical > Wiring & Sensors

E85 0-5v input VEMS anytrim setup

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I just got your reply, Ill check the fuel pump PWM.
ch1 was the channel i was told to use and its even setup in my anytrim that way for ch1.

In my wiring pinout it has protected for ch0 ch1, protected+pulled up for ch 2 ch5, pulled up for ch6.
is ch6 the one to use then?
Sorry for all the questions, I just dont want to blow something up.


--- Quote from: Scottme262 on August 15, 2017, 06:21:58 pm ---I just got your reply, Ill check the fuel pump PWM.
ch1 was the channel i was told to use and its even setup in my anytrim that way for ch1.

In my wiring pinout it has protected for ch0 ch1, protected+pulled up for ch 2 ch5, pulled up for ch6.
is ch6 the one to use then?
Sorry for all the questions, I just dont want to blow something up.

--- End quote ---
you can use pulled up ones too, just they may  be little off, like 0.02v or something. ch0 should work fine too.. not sure how it is in p&p versions :)) if it shows rpm it should be runing fine

Thanks for your help.
I'm lost...  The 1.2.38 firmware had a massive list of errors that I did not know how to fix so I put it back to 1.2.29 and it runs again.

I checked my Ch1 signal on the analog raw gauges and its reading 1.25 volts and the 10 pin econoseal plug is not even plugged in!!!
I guess there are things going on in the background on channels i don't understand.  I though the 10 pin plug was for other items but the only channels that dont have any activity on them are 3 and 4.  Ch6 that is supposed to be a 0-5v input channel as well shows 4.96v and nothing is hooked to it either.

Sorry to waste your time.  Im going to go pound my head against a wall now.


--- Quote from: Scottme262 on August 15, 2017, 07:23:28 pm ---Thanks for your help.
I'm lost...  The 1.2.38 firmware had a massive list of errors that I did not know how to fix so I put it back to 1.2.29 and it runs again.

I checked my Ch1 signal on the analog raw gauges and its reading 1.25 volts and the 10 pin econoseal plug is not even plugged in!!!
I guess there are things going on in the background on channels i don't understand.  I though the 10 pin plug was for other items but the only channels that dont have any activity on them are 3 and 4.  Ch6 that is supposed to be a 0-5v input channel as well shows 4.96v and nothing is hooked to it either.

Sorry to waste your time.  Im going to go pound my head against a wall now.

--- End quote ---

usually to fix those erors takes about 60s :) ch6 ch7 are pulled up, so they are supposed to read like that :) just plug your zeitronix to it and test :)

I will give it a try on the zeitronix.  To fully understand what you are saying, the values may be off regarding voltage but it will still be a linear scale so just adapt the scaling to get the result?

As far as the errors and conflicts on the newer firmware, is there a way to look at each one and have the program help with what is wrong?

Thanks for all the help, I really appreciate it.


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