Technical > Wiring & Sensors

E85 0-5v input VEMS anytrim setup

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--- Quote from: Scottme262 on August 15, 2017, 10:34:52 pm ---I will give it a try on the zeitronix.  To fully understand what you are saying, the values may be off regarding voltage but it will still be a linear scale so just adapt the scaling to get the result?

As far as the errors and conflicts on the newer firmware, is there a way to look at each one and have the program help with what is wrong?

Thanks for all the help, I really appreciate it.

--- End quote ---
just upload configuration file you are getting after updating software :)

It has been sorted out.
Pin 2 on the econoseal was backed out and not making contact.
The voltage now is absolutely dead on what the Zeitronics unit is outputting.

I did not realize that when there is nothing on that pin the ecu shows a voltage anyway.

Thank you Kamuto and the guys at EFI Express for your help.


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