Technical > Wiring & Sensors
Looking for a slightly larger Display Module? Look Here For The Solution
Sprocket is using the large LCD.
There's the PDA setup.
I'll be using Megatune on a dash mounted 12" TFT ::)
Gavin :)
Bigger LCD together with non-geek mode is a very cheap dash candidate. I plan this kind of solution for my racecar. Could use some 10,4 inch XGA LCD display with docked small laptop if we get TunerStudio that supports VEMS though.
They're doing the Round gauges as displays now (without the Wideband and EGT electronics) which use the AiM protocol to display the values from the VEMS ecu.
Yeah, I know that but I'd like to have MXL dash alike thing. PDAcockpit is the closest thing to that, but big LCD display with non-geek mode is much better as it doesn't require additional computer in the car.
I've seen nice displays that run on can bus. I can't find any info as to weather they got the can bus running on VEMs.
The pins are on the board, but no conclusion on the wiki....
Gavin :)
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