Hello all,
I have a question: I want to use vems with DBW and low z injectors. As far as i understand, DBW and low z uses same PWM signal, so only one of them can be used (DBW or low z). Looking at the schematic, it seems that PWM signal pulls PREINJ signal via resistor to vcc or gnd, which enables injector pwm'ing. As far as I understand, in such case, PREINJ signal from atmega should have 3 states:
High, which would be used to open injector with no pwm
Floating (?) which would be used for PWM
Low, which would pull pwm signal to the gnd and mosfet would close.
Question is:
if I made some auxilary generator to generate PWM signal for low z, would it work? For this, I would need to set "Injector PWM peak time" to some sensible value (not 25,5, which dissables it). Injector PWM DC could stay 100%, which dissables it. Would such thing work in a software? Or these setings would interfere with DBW pwm? Im not sure what "Injector PWM peak time" seting do. Does it has some influence to PWM timer, or it is just the time constant to change in between 3 output states?
here is vems schematic:
http://www.vems.hu/files/genboardv3/v3.8/genboardv3.8_sch.pdfand some info about low z pwm:
http://www.vems.hu/wiki/index.php?page=GenBoard%2FVerThree%2FLowZInjectorsThank you.