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Please plugoff USB serial connector

Started by fphil, May 15, 2017, 11:28:20 AM

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After having replaced the old Weber injector by new EV14 ones and the sparkplugs for less resistives I got the folowing error messsage poping on when recording and running the car:

"Communication error. Please plug off the serial connecto"

No message engine not running.
Does it tell something for some one of you ?



Why less resistive? That pushes alot of noise back to the ecu.

Modern plugs all use about 5k resistors in them, go for that. I can´t see how the coil would need a less resistive plug unless it was absolultely terrible.


I changed the Denso Iridium IW24 for classical NGKBP8ES ones  which appear to be less resistive than the Denso. Anyhow the cable Beru connector is resistive on the coil side. The noise is more probably induced from the EV14. Possibly the 30V standard flyback is not enough in my case.

I did not say that I use the PS/2 cable option for wheelspeed.
Indeed when I put the PS/2 ground on a strong earth I do not have these error, although I have connected pin26/36 as it should (10cm etc ..)
Apart that the Ecu runs good.

I believe that this message comes from the Genboard which accumulates the errors before sending the message. The thing to do is to quit everything and restart if not it pops up even more frequently.
I also believe that this message seems useless.


Change to BPR8ES instead and you will get rid of the noise!


Yes possibly, same resistance than the IW24 about 4.5 k, but I prefer to work out first a solution on the genboard side.
Ignition with Marelli Microplex ecu + BP8ES is OEM. I see no reason why a modern ecu could not work good with the same plugs.
This is mostly these weird messages which are an issue


Yes I know about resistor plugs, although this is mostly used to damper the ectromagnetic field. Besides the noise may come from the new EV14 as well.
The topic is more about the PS/2 cable which may work as an antenna, the plugoff message which is not a simple alarm to be acknowledged but which stalls VT and the need of a good GRD.
I have scoped the spikes at the PS2 cable, quite impressive, the GRD can jump up to 3V. In fact Iwould be surprised if the source is only electromagnetic.
Anyway I would supress the PS2 (anyhow said as "not recommended"), make the wiki wheelspeed circuit with zener and  lowpass filter and go for a "stronger" GRD earth... Last note, the Genboard V6 seems to be more sensible than the V8 ...


Quote from: fphil on May 16, 2017, 11:03:30 PM
Yes I know about resistor plugs, although this is mostly used to damper the ectromagnetic field. Besides the noise may come from the new EV14 as well.
The topic is more about the PS/2 cable which may work as an antenna, the plugoff message which is not a simple alarm to be acknowledged but which stalls VT and the need of a good GRD.
I have scoped the spikes at the PS2 cable, quite impressive, the GRD can jump up to 3V. In fact Iwould be surprised if the source is only electromagnetic.
Anyway I would supress the PS2 (anyhow said as "not recommended"), make the wiki wheelspeed circuit with zener and  lowpass filter and go for a "stronger" GRD earth... Last note, the Genboard V6 seems to be more sensible than the V8 ...

Put normal spark plugs in place not some shit :)
Vems installer in Lithuania


What is more normal than the NGK 2912 BP8ES?  :)

(as I said there is already a resistor on the conector -coil side- of the Beru ignition cables)


Quote from: fphil on May 17, 2017, 07:24:38 AM
What is more normal than the NGK 2912 BP8ES?  :)

(as I said there is already a resistor on the conector -coil side- of the Beru ignition cables)

BPR8ES....... it's the same plug as used in the classic mini, just two points colder on the heat range.


As for ps2 cable. Fit a Ferrite choke to the cable


I will suppress the PS2 cable but the choke self is a good idea. Can easily be tested on the Digitus USB cable - just in case.
There are indeed several options. Another one, I think, is to set right pull up resistances on digital inputs so to define thresholds above the GRD noise level
Interesting to know if other people has even got such plugoff message and alson the logic which generates them.


Quote from: fphil on May 17, 2017, 02:09:06 PM
I will suppress the PS2 cable but the choke self is a good idea. Can easily be tested on the Digitus USB cable - just in case.
There are indeed several options. Another one, I think, is to set right pull up resistances on digital inputs so to define thresholds above the GRD noise level
Interesting to know if other people has even got such plugoff message and alson the logic which generates them.

usually people use spark plugs with R letter in name and don't have such problems
Vems installer in Lithuania


Certainly the EV14's w/ 30V flyback is not the issue here.  They work flawless with VEMS 30V flyback circuit.

I don't see why anyone would want to run non-resistor spark plugs.


@Notorious VR. Have you experienced wheelspeed from PS2? Do you know about this USB plugoff message?
I know that resistor sparkplug are ok, but I  do not know why non resistor sparkplugs still exist :)