Technical > Wiring & Sensors
sr20det nvvt
You could use TPS instead of neutral. It wouldn't be quite the same, but I'm sure with a bit of boolean algebra the whole thing could be worked out nicely...
On if ((MAP=high) | (RPM<5700) | (TPS>10%)) ought to do it.
Shame there isn't a temperature dependance on the misc outs!! (Hint to developers ;) )
the vvt is to add off boost /low to medium rpm torque, i think its time to load the software onto my laptop and have a look :)
On the S15 it works slightly differently:
Below 1050rpm, B/Fuel Schdl above 1.3m/s, Neutral Switch Off = VTC ON
1050rpm - 5700rpm, Neutral Switch Off = VTC ON
Any other time VTC = OFF
Obviously this isn't really going to work when you start messing around with the fuel injector sizes... Personally I think it would be better to have it configurable on the map, i.e. just select the cells where you want VTC to be on.
Just switch it on speed and load (MAP) and don't worry about neutral and temp compensations. The neutral hold out will be so it doesn't switch during a throttle blip or gearchange and cause a stumble, but if you use a load input then you can hold it out anyway, and the coolant temp will be to stop it switching before the car can take the different timing (poor combustion stability) on an emissions test and for driveability, but then again with an appropriate load threshold you wouldn't have a problem as you wouldn't thrash your car until warm would you ? ;D You may want a time after start hold out though to stop it trying to switch during the start and flare.
did anyone get the vvt working? as im now in need of doing this too
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