I use Vems ecu for my project.
Got home after long test run, everything was fine.
In the morning car won`t start - no spark.
I use m52 ignition coils, there is +12v to them.
I opened Vems case and saw that there are 18 transistors, probably 8 for sequential injectors, 8 for sequential ignition coils and 2 extra, right?
I took a multimeter un put it on restistance measuring.
As I can remember 10 out 18 transistors showed me around 11 kohm.
8 transistors showed me nothing. I tried to measure them inbetween three transistor legs in all possible variations and it didn`t show anything. So, I have 8 dead transistors?
I had one bad grounding on ECU, could it done damage?
I hope You can help me with answers, paid a lot for this ecu and have used it for a few months..
Will Vemstune recognise it as error? Where can I find it?