Technical > Wiring & Sensors

VDO 0-10 bar 2 wire sensor calibration

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really not able to get that VDO 0-10 bar 2 wire sensor working with VEMS ecu.
Tried the Wizard but readings are always at zero.

In Motec ecus I do use the same sensor with great results using both their internal or external pullups, and here is their cal table for it:



--- Quote from: Wolf_Tm on January 31, 2017, 07:01:43 pm ---Hi,
really not able to get that VDO 0-10 bar 2 wire sensor working with VEMS ecu.
Tried the Wizard but readings are always at zero.

In Motec ecus I do use the same sensor with great results using both their internal or external pullups, and here is their cal table for it:


--- End quote ---
it should work, just it's not linear i believe so you wont get acurate results on that :)) use proper 3 wire sensor instead :)
even motec seems to use some kind of adapter for them :)


--- Quote from: Kamuto on January 31, 2017, 10:09:15 pm ---
--- Quote from: Wolf_Tm on January 31, 2017, 07:01:43 pm ---Hi,
really not able to get that VDO 0-10 bar 2 wire sensor working with VEMS ecu.
Tried the Wizard but readings are always at zero.

In Motec ecus I do use the same sensor with great results using both their internal or external pullups, and here is their cal table for it:


--- End quote ---
it should work, just it's not linear i believe so you wont get acurate results on that :)) use proper 3 wire sensor instead :)
even motec seems to use some kind of adapter for them :)

--- End quote ---

Their adapter is just a pull-up if you want to wire the sensor to an aux volt input pin, no need of the adapter of you connect it to an aux temp pin that already has internal pull-up.
I didn't use any pull-up with vems as I read it already has one internally... Correct?
So why wizard won't work?


--- Quote from: Wolf_Tm on February 01, 2017, 02:15:13 pm ---
--- Quote from: Kamuto on January 31, 2017, 10:09:15 pm ---
--- Quote from: Wolf_Tm on January 31, 2017, 07:01:43 pm ---Hi,
really not able to get that VDO 0-10 bar 2 wire sensor working with VEMS ecu.
Tried the Wizard but readings are always at zero.

In Motec ecus I do use the same sensor with great results using both their internal or external pullups, and here is their cal table for it:


--- End quote ---
it should work, just it's not linear i believe so you wont get acurate results on that :)) use proper 3 wire sensor instead :)
even motec seems to use some kind of adapter for them :)

--- End quote ---

Their adapter is just a pull-up if you want to wire the sensor to an aux volt input pin, no need of the adapter of you connect it to an aux temp pin that already has internal pull-up.
I didn't use any pull-up with vems as I read it already has one internally... Correct?
So why wizard won't work?

--- End quote ---
depending on channel you use :) ones who are @5v unconected has 2.7k pullup, it's the sensor is dead or you are doing it wrong :)) does voltage changes on that analog input when pressure changes? :)

Only channel 6 and 7 have internal pull up.

Channel 0, 1, 2 and 5 are 0-5v input (no pull up)

Channel 3 and 4 reserved for EGT1 and EGT2

Not all are connected to EC18 and will depend on your box. Check your cheat sheet that came with your box.

I would agree with Kamuto, use a three wire transducer (+5v, Ground and signal).These type of transducers have a signal conditioning circuit built into them, this will give a 0.5-4.5v linear output. No pull up required as the transducer outputs a voltage signal, rather than a ground signal.


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