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Analog input problem

Started by Danny Juel, January 09, 2017, 08:26:00 PM

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Not true. CLT, MAP, IAT and couple internal analog inputs are not those we see among 8 analog inputs captured through MCP3208 chip.
Best way find right ones is using documents supplied with ECU. If not then try to find those inputs on EC18 pins 2,3, 6, 12, 14, 15, 16.   
Pins 2 and 3 might be channels 2 and 5. Pins 6 and 12 - channels 7 and 6.
16 IIRC is analog input ch0.
Pins 14 and 15 also can be internally wired to ch2 and 5 depending on version/configuration.


Hmm. I need to do the comparison again because thats how i reasoned that ch4 is coolant.

I havent found papers yet, more precicly havent found the document that specifies pins. Everything Else is in safe.
V3.3 1652
FW 1.2.38


Quote from: Rak on March 12, 2018, 09:12:57 PM
Old topic, yes.

I have v3.3 board (from year 2008)
fw 1.2.11

When i am looking(log) raw analog inputs from 0 to 7, i can identify that ch4 is clt.
ch0-3  stays 0 (0-0.12)
ch4 coolant
ch5 stays at 4.91
ch 6 and 7 are in 4.99

Ch6 and 7 are obiviously ok

But what is happening on ch5?
And where is iat?

ch4 is egt.
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