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Launch control via potentiometer: help needed -> sorted for test

Started by JAN80, January 09, 2017, 07:57:53 PM

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Hi everyone.

Were facing difficulties trying to use launch control with potentiometer. Were now running it with a simple setup with two switches. One in the clutch pedal and the other on top of hand brake lever. This setup works fine.

Now to the problem. I was trying to adjust max revs by 10k ohm potentiometer, +5v from ec36 pin 28, ground from common ground 30 cm. from box. We measured nice 2,5v. with the potentiometer turned half the way. So this all should be good.

We tried to connect the signal to some inputs in the ec18 but it seems they are nnot connected to the board. So we pulled the board from the box saw that the ec18 pin 1 (ch.0) is connected to upper left corner of the board with jumper wire.

So is this knock channel?? Can we undo this mod cause we do not use this input at all??

The same goes to ec18 pin 2 (analog ch.5) its run to the upper left corner, another knock channel??

Should we solder off these jumperwires and run a wire from ec18 pin 2 to mcp3208 leg 5 marked on board by JP19??
There are 4 holes in square shape, I was wondering if it is the top left corner of these holes?

If so, do we need to protect the input with resistor??

We had to do the soldering job when we did the push buttons for the launch. We used ec18 pin 16 (ch.1) and soldered a wire from pin 16 to bottom-right corner of the four holes under mcp3208. It has internal pull-up to 5v.

Im sorry for the absence of any photos. If needed, I'll try to take some. I have tried to read all the info I could about the analog inputs but I just couldn't get the info I wanted.


Quote from: JAN80 on January 09, 2017, 07:57:53 PM
Hi everyone.

Were facing difficulties trying to use launch control with potentiometer. Were now running it with a simple setup with two switches. One in the clutch pedal and the other on top of hand brake lever. This setup works fine.

Now to the problem. I was trying to adjust max revs by 10k ohm potentiometer, +5v from ec36 pin 28, ground from common ground 30 cm. from box. We measured nice 2,5v. with the potentiometer turned half the way. So this all should be good.

We tried to connect the signal to some inputs in the ec18 but it seems they are nnot connected to the board. So we pulled the board from the box saw that the ec18 pin 1 (ch.0) is connected to upper left corner of the board with jumper wire.

So is this knock channel?? Can we undo this mod cause we do not use this input at all??

The same goes to ec18 pin 2 (analog ch.5) its run to the upper left corner, another knock channel??

Should we solder off these jumperwires and run a wire from ec18 pin 2 to mcp3208 leg 5 marked on board by JP19??
There are 4 holes in square shape, I was wondering if it is the top left corner of these holes?

If so, do we need to protect the input with resistor??

We had to do the soldering job when we did the push buttons for the launch. We used ec18 pin 16 (ch.1) and soldered a wire from pin 16 to bottom-right corner of the four holes under mcp3208. It has internal pull-up to 5v.

Im sorry for the absence of any photos. If needed, I'll try to take some. I have tried to read all the info I could about the analog inputs but I just couldn't get the info I wanted.
what version is your board?
Vems installer in Lithuania
[email protected]


you can use it without protection, just be carefull, that's all :) if you want to connect some kind of sensor to analog inputs, some capacitor between signal and ground would be nice :)
Vems installer in Lithuania
[email protected]


Thank you.

But what about the fact that these inputs seem to be connected to (maybe) knock inputs on the board?? Is there a guide how these inputs should be wired from ec18 to various places on the board?
It would help quite a bit.

I tried to seach from vemswiki but all I could find out were how wiring should be done outside the box. Some threads were here about anytrim function but I wasnt able to find exactly what I was looking for.


Quote from: JAN80 on January 11, 2017, 02:00:53 PM
Thank you.

But what about the fact that these inputs seem to be connected to (maybe) knock inputs on the board?? Is there a guide how these inputs should be wired from ec18 to various places on the board?
It would help quite a bit.

I tried to seach from vemswiki but all I could find out were how wiring should be done outside the box. Some threads were here about anytrim function but I wasnt able to find exactly what I was looking for.

ec18-1 most of the times is knock input, mcp chip which is responsible for analog inputs has 8 inputs, named 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7 botom legs of that chip readind from left will be these  inputs, just trace it to some pad on board and solder wire there, 5-6-7 are in that square with holes near chip, maybe one more there, usualy inputs 2 and 5 are wired to ec18-2 and 3, so you are free to use left ones however you want, just 3 or 4 is for egt chip, cant remember which one is it :)
Vems installer in Lithuania
[email protected]