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E21 With M20 N/A

Started by Sam8888, October 08, 2016, 10:06:24 AM

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Quote from: jrussell on October 20, 2016, 08:03:49 PM
I think you mean ec18-12 pin for the 2nd VR. Pin 7 is at the far right of the pic.
yes you are right, sorry ;)
Vems installer in Lithuania
[email protected]


Developed the camsync plate, will see if it fits after the prototype is ready.  ;D
I guess it'll fit for M20/M30/S38 engines. We'll see how much it'll be to manufacture these.


If i'm correct, i should wire the injectors like this? It is confusing, because of Injgroup is arranged in the ignition firing order.
So if i set 1-5-3-6-2-4 and wire like this, it will be ok? Tryna search for this Injector group table, but didn't find any good explanation.

So if i'm correct, the injection will happen by the adjustable real cyl order despite of the confusing reverse Injgroup order? (Why is the Injgroup even there if so?)


That will be fine,
assuming it fires on no.1 to start with


Ok, my car is now running sequential injection. But here's one thing i don't get:

I wired my injectors as the picture above: output 1 to cyl 1, output 2 to cyl 2... and so on.

I made the cam snyc to happen before the 1st cyl at TDC, but after the missingtooth (around 8th tooth on the 60-2).

According to the configuration this seems to be 180 deg off, since if i power off injector 1, then shuts off cyl 6.  ???
Turned around the camsync pulse sender 180 deg, and now seems ok, but the 2nd trigger is now sent when the 6th cylinder is on TDC.
This is because VEMS resets the cycle at the next missingtooth event?

Here's a video.


The injector outputs should be aligned with the firing ignition coil,.

I.e the top one being cyl1 should also be cyl1 on the ignition outputs table. That way you know that the injection timing is correct.
The problem is that the ecu doesn´t actually know which cylinder is which as there is no firm selection method of outputs to cylinders like most other ECU's.

The trigger point of the camsync sets the phasing of the engine, by swapping the disc around you are potentially moving the trigger point to the other revolution of the engine cycle.

If you have injector output 1 wired to injector 1 then turning that off will definitely not turn cylinder 6 off.


Yeah, i know that. If i set off 1st cyl injector, it shuts off 1st cylinder, so far so good now.

The problem i was talking about:
I made the cam sync signal to happen AFTER the missingtooth, but BEFORE the 1st cylinder TDC, because i thought it will reset the cycle immediately. But as it turned out VEMS managed to reset the sync only at the next missingtooth event, this confused me a littlebit. Ofcourse flipping the cam signal 180deg made the trick.

So the ideal cam signal position is AFTER 6th cylinder TDC, but BEFORE missingtooth!

V2 cam plate will be available soon, pm me if anybody interested. It'll be usable on M20, M30, and maybe S38 and M40 too, but these needs to be checked.

Couple pics, hence this is just the prototype, the final product will be prettier: