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Peugeot 106 XSI

Started by jeanno, November 30, 2009, 12:33:14 AM

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Last week the car has been mapped quickly for max performance.

Today i tuned idle with good results.

Here is the config file :

Next step is to install VEMS ROUND AIM and a config switch in the car.
Then i will use the current map as a safe map and tune on the second config set for fuel saving with ego correction enabled
Project : Peugeot 106 Xsi 1992
Member page :
Engine is a tuned 1.6 litre 4 cyl / 8 valves (TU5J2) with 220 cc/min injectors fired individually+ wasted spark


I made some tuning mainly on VE map since last post.
The car is running well but two points can be improved :
I have to fine tune VE table (and probably lambda table) under 3000rpm, mainly around 2000 and 2700 rpm and 60-65kpa (iddle vacuum level) where the car runs rough.

The second point is cold starting in cold weather. With air temperature over 10°C, the engine starts on first attempt when cold or warm.
Winter is arrived in France and with the snow, the temperatures came down. Yesterday morning I had to try many time (about 10 attempts) to start the engine. This morning I made a log of this. It took 4 attemps to start.
Here is the log :

What would you suggest to modify first ? Cranking cold enrichment ? Afterstart enrichment ? Probably cranking enrichment first as the engine idle is nice once started.
Any advise on first point is also welcome.
Project : Peugeot 106 Xsi 1992
Member page :
Engine is a tuned 1.6 litre 4 cyl / 8 valves (TU5J2) with 220 cc/min injectors fired individually+ wasted spark

[email protected]

Definately cold-crank, I have a graph somewhere on here that shows how cold fuel requirements are almost exponential as the temperature drops.
Until now your cold cranking values will be a complete guess really.


Thanks Rob for your advise.
I will start with rising cold cranking enrichment.
Then I may also rise afterstart enrichment but make it shorter (less cycles).

I also made a log of cold start this morning.
It took 4 attempts to start again but this time I managed to resist the temptation to play with throttle. :D
Project : Peugeot 106 Xsi 1992
Member page :
Engine is a tuned 1.6 litre 4 cyl / 8 valves (TU5J2) with 220 cc/min injectors fired individually+ wasted spark

[email protected]

Becareful to preserve the cold start settings that you have - as when the cold weather goes you may find that you have flooding issues.


I will be careful.
I managed to store successive version of my settings for now.

Here are some pictures of my car and its engine to illustrate this post a bit.

The fully rebuilt 210000+ km engine :

The lightened and balanced crankshaft :

The Genboard in a "custm" case :

The 18 years old car :

Project : Peugeot 106 Xsi 1992
Member page :
Engine is a tuned 1.6 litre 4 cyl / 8 valves (TU5J2) with 220 cc/min injectors fired individually+ wasted spark


Since few days I have a strange behaviour of the ECU : When I power up the unit, the fuel pump primes and stop and then primes again and stop and so on forever.
Can someone explain this ? Bad wiring/grounding ?
Here is a log:

Apart from this "problem", the car runs fine.
Project : Peugeot 106 Xsi 1992
Member page :
Engine is a tuned 1.6 litre 4 cyl / 8 valves (TU5J2) with 220 cc/min injectors fired individually+ wasted spark


If you check the rpm signal, there is probably a blip there every time the pump turns on (fuel pump relay). I'm guessing you use a VR/inductive sensor on the primary trigger input, a slight pull-up on the trigger input to 5 Volts (try 10k-20kOhm) externally can be tested to see if it removes the issue.

Indeed, the problem can be bad grounding - but can be hard to fix sometimes.


I will try a pull-up resistor.
Project : Peugeot 106 Xsi 1992
Member page :
Engine is a tuned 1.6 litre 4 cyl / 8 valves (TU5J2) with 220 cc/min injectors fired individually+ wasted spark


Do you have a link for your injectors 220cc please