Hi Dave
It would be helpful if this info was in the help file in vems, this is what it explains about the calibration and Ri fields, nothing regarding RI value. Directly from the help file:
Wideband Sensor Free Air Calibration
This is calibrated using the WBO2 Calibration dialog.
Second wbo2 calibration:
Save the first wbo2 calibration value.
The wbo2 sensor must connect to the first wbo2 connector and calibrate the same way as the first wbo2.
Go to Base setup/Wideband Calibration dialog.
Copy the calibrated value to the secondary wbo2 and write back the saved first wbo2 calibration value.
Another question, regarding calibration wizard for the second wideband sensor, is it correct that it have to be connected to the sensor1 port, in order to calibrate sensor 2?
This seems quite strange, first of all is it a pain to get under the car and switch the connectores. But most of all, it's meaningfull to calibrate the complete system, to get rid og tolerences in the sensor, cabeling and electronical components on the board. But by using the same port for both sensors, will the difference in the electronics and wires, be based on the sensor 1 parts. thereby not getting sensor 2 calibrated correctly. The decription in the calibration wizard don't mention anything about pluging sensor 2 into port 1 when calibrating.
And I would guess, that it's quite easy in the SW to read another port ?
I did a small test on mine, when I calibrate with both sensors connected and get value 142 and 147 in the wizard. If I disconnect sensor 1 and connect sensor 2 in port 1, can't I calibrate sensor 2, but get a calibration value of 143 for sensor 1.
Do you know exactly how the calibration wizard works now ?
Br Mads