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Oiltemp and oilpressure setup

Started by Denmark, May 05, 2016, 02:32:41 PM

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Can somebody write a complete setup manuel to get oil and pressure sensors to give right temps and pressure readings in vemstune ?

I have tried and tried but its impossible to get the gauges to read Real values and if one of the input gauges is right it Will change the other gauge to give the same readings

The oilpressure sensor i Can get it to read volt , but even if i use the calibration tool and save that info
It Will still only give a volt measure and not the converted pressure

The tempsensor is just plain impossible to get Any readings from
No mather what there is written in the costum curve editor  >:(

working on the boxer


Have you read: ? Take care:

  • there are raw channel (that always reads volt) analog->ADC raw chX
  • there are calibrated channels (which show the calibrated values) ADC cal chX
  • there are fully dressed gauges (that show selected calibrated value, range unit etc.) predefined->analog chX

Best regards, Dave


Further on this subject.
There is a Fuel pressure channel selectable but it doesn´t re-act to input when selected in input analogs.

I have ADC CH1 raw voltage = 0.00 ,
Calibration is 1:1 with 4 as offset, results is ADC Cal channel is 4
I have in analog ch1 Fuel pressure, but it just says 4.67 ,

Where is the calibration for this fuel pressure gauge?


Quote from: gunni on May 06, 2016, 12:43:44 PM
Further on this subject.
There is a Fuel pressure channel selectable but it doesn´t re-act to input when selected in input analogs.
Perhaps it was unclear above, but: Analog->ADC raw CHX,  Analog->ADC cal. CHX, predefined->Analog cal. CHX Predefined belong together (in which X represents the same number). So your Fuel pressure gauge will be present, dressed in: predefined->Analog cal. CHX Predefined.

Quote from: gunni on May 06, 2016, 12:43:44 PM
Where is the calibration for this fuel pressure gauge?
The Fuel pressure channel from Basic->Fuel pressure is hardcoded channel (relic from before user configurable analog calibration was available) i'll remove it to avoid any further confusion.

Best regards, Dave



I simply Cant figurer out how to configer the inputs

If i change one setting all input gauges change to the same name
And i Cant really find Any Logic reasen why

Out of pure luck i get a oilpressure Reading now
, but temp is not possible without pressure is Reading some other info also ::)

working on the boxer


working on the boxer


Quote from: Denmark on May 07, 2016, 10:04:21 AM
Got it working
Could you elaborate on what did the trick ? Perhaps this is something i need to make more clear in help to make it easier for the future.
Thanks! Best regards,



Dave :

Is it possible to get fabricated curve even with a offset and gain values only, just for illustration?
Same goes for various other aspects of Vemstune where you only have gains, idle ignition closed loop for instance


Quote from: gunni on May 07, 2016, 12:36:34 PM
Dave :

Is it possible to get fabricated curve even with a offset and gain values only, just for illustration?
Same goes for various other aspects of Vemstune where you only have gains, idle ignition closed loop for instance
You mean you would like to look at the resulting input voltage -> output translation (scale/offset) graphically ? This is currently not supported, would have to think about it a bit how to easily do that (currently not easy).

Best regards, Dave



Like when you set Idle Afterstart RPM, Added value

It would be great to be able to actually visually see the results.