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noob needs a hand with the initial ordering of the vems

Started by watahyahknow, July 22, 2015, 01:53:38 AM

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hi all ronald here from the netherlands
i'm getting verry close to ordering my own vems
it will power a jaguar aj6 engine and a jaguar version of a 4l80e transmission

i like to find out wat ignition drivers i will need to order :
i want to use honda cbr 600 rr passive coils as there smaller they fit better then the vag coils do
need to find out the dwell on these coils

allso the engine comes stock with two knock sensors tps oil air and coollant temp sensors oilpressuresensor and some other stuff and i was wondering if anyone had any success making these work with the vems
these jaguar engines have a weird type of toothed wheel with 3 missing teeth and a vm pickup that isnt quite centered at bdp , i've bought a camsensor from a newer aji6 that will come in place of the distributor
i was hoping someone has worked with these engines in perticulair and could help me with a base setting and maibe even a base tune

i like to get some help on either finding a better system that bolts straight on
or the settings i need to put intoo the vems for my original setup

have a bosch lsu 4.9 lambda that will be fitted , any mods needed on the newest board ?

any other things that will need to be important at the initial ordering of the ecu would be apreciated
i'm trying not to spend a lot more than 600 euro and deleted most luxury stuff from the order like the lcd display
making a 1978 chevy truck intoo a frankenstein monster
chevy body jaguar motor ford rearaxle porsche brakes petebilt wheels etc , doing the european version of an american hot rod


Hello Ronald,

Do you happen to have a wiring diagram for your Jaguar aj6 engine and perhaps a picture of the trigger wheel on crank and cam ? According to that info i can make some suggestions,

Best regards, Dave


found a pdf file on the injection and ignition setup
i think you find all the info and some extra in there (resistance etc)

the rotor has 60 tooth at 6 degree intervals with 3 tooth missing , the missing teeth identify tdc on all 6 cilinders ....... looks like i need to replace that with someting better
i will remove the distributor and replace with a cam shaft sensor from a newer model inline 6
i will remove the verry restrictive hot wire type airflow sensor and prolly replace the trottlebody with a more modern one having the the airbleedvalve tps and airflow sensor build in , still looking intoo wat will fit and flow enough but not too mush cfm (prolly need to measure the trottlevalve on the original trottlebody and use that as a guide or calculate the cfm needed and base the trottle size of that )
i might be mistaken for the knock sensors , there prolly on the newer aji6's mounted in the x300 jaguars
i did found a pic for them
and the cam sensor
making a 1978 chevy truck intoo a frankenstein monster
chevy body jaguar motor ford rearaxle porsche brakes petebilt wheels etc , doing the european version of an american hot rod


thanks for the help anyway
decided to order the vems reasonably bare without the knocksensor setup and one egt sensor (figured the two sensors are more for the v engines ) and a remote manifold pressure sender (for eaze of upgrade )
going to make a set of detcans , might use electronic versions
my hope is that once the truck is tuned on a rolling road i whont need te knock option
seen on the website that the ecu for the knock circuit can be ordered seperately , no idea of i can solder it on the board seperately and add the software
making a 1978 chevy truck intoo a frankenstein monster
chevy body jaguar motor ford rearaxle porsche brakes petebilt wheels etc , doing the european version of an american hot rod


Hello Ronald,

Must have missed your post(s) above are there any remaining uncertainties ? Btw i am also Dutch if you need any specifics you would like to ask in your native language, send me a PM.
I would certainly order the ecu with the knock chip pre-installed, yes it can be retrofitted, but if fitted in Hungary everything is properly tested and covered by warranty (for only a few cents extra).

Best regards, Dave


pitty just got an order update that the package will ship in 2 days , prolly to late to update
wat i read sofar on the forum the knock option is realy hard to direct to the right channel and hard to set right , it allso needed to be set again after every update in megatune , that made me decide to not order it
might need some help later on with the innitial startup
making a 1978 chevy truck intoo a frankenstein monster
chevy body jaguar motor ford rearaxle porsche brakes petebilt wheels etc , doing the european version of an american hot rod


Hello Roland,

I suggest you take a look at the official documentation before reaching your conclusions:
Since you mention Megatune you must have been reading some forum posts from light-years ago :)

Anyway, everybody knows how a forum works (in general); People are quick to raise the alarm when something does not (or does not seems to) work, thread never gets updated when (after direction) fixed, improved or pinpointed.

Best regards, Dave


oh whell will have to see if i realy need it later on
i propbably be contacting you a few times in the comming months during the instalation and for advice on replacement parts for the engine (triggerwheel , triggersensor , trottlebody and size , and maibe some help designing a log type intakemanifold )
plan with the manifold is to make tuned length pipes with a troat and build an airbox with a single trottle around them
my first plan was to use a itb setup used on some types of bmw's , from wat i understood they fit pretty whell with only an adapterplate to change the boltpattern
only problem is i be using it on the street and the multiple trottle dont make for a smooth transition from stationairy to full trottle its basicly full on or full off verry hard to feather , my hope is the single or twin trottlebody will make it a bit more street worthy
making a 1978 chevy truck intoo a frankenstein monster
chevy body jaguar motor ford rearaxle porsche brakes petebilt wheels etc , doing the european version of an american hot rod


still among the living but a small car accident trew a spanner in the works , i'm ok but the car wasnt
the plan was to have the garage empty over the winter to work on the wiring and the engine and enginestand but that didnt happen , the garage is full of a donorcar and the engine and electronics of the wrecked car
this summer i prolly have the new car running and driving and be back on track for the build of the ecu and engine
did some looking around for the tefzel wiring , some is for sale from england on ebay but in 100 meter lengths .... not realy cheap either , might still do that on black and red though
found an american suplier that sells the tefzel wire in all sizes and 25 colour combo's per size and by the foot
still pretty expensive with the shipping and all that , hoping to find a european suplier still

the sellers from the wiremarkingtool arent the brightest bulbs in the pack it seems
on my question if european style sharpies worked on there tool i first got a return question where i found the tool on there website and then got a quote from them that was on the webpage i send them
they never answered if the sharpies did work ..... guess i make my own then

i'm considering making and extra connector on the motor , it makes making changes a little eazier if i dont have to pull the ecu plug apart and basicly make one loom same length from the ecu to the engine plug itself
still looking intoo the plugs themselves
making a 1978 chevy truck intoo a frankenstein monster
chevy body jaguar motor ford rearaxle porsche brakes petebilt wheels etc , doing the european version of an american hot rod