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Megatune/VEMS doing something weird

Started by bcool, November 19, 2007, 07:58:40 AM

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I was leaving to head home tonight and i figured i'd upload a new map i tweaked with before i headed home but i noticed the ECU was showing about 10-20 "This value is not the same as in the controller" messages when i first loaded up megatune. The Magatune screen was flashing  with the gauges working for a split second and then they shut off (almost like a blinker effect) I tried to upload a new map to the controller but it says that the controller voltage is too low. I go home and tried it on a different laptop and my other laptop didnt even register. I tried communicating to it in terminal with no result. I'm checking the cable now but i have a feeling that it might be ecu related seeing as how i tried playing with the cord and it does the exact same thing. I tested the pins to the ECU and its getting the same as the battery voltage.


Just pulled my data cable out and its good. I tried re uploading the firmware and it just says No response from AVR. The weird thing is that the car runs fine.

[email protected]

Please dont keep trying to upload firmware, especially as the VEMS is functioning correctly.
The firmware does not go 'off' its stored in the Microcontroller's Flash memory it can only be effected by direct Flash programming.
It seems like you have a comms issue, are you using a USB to serial adaptor?  Could you have a program that is trying to use the adaptor too?
If you get a comms issue while you are uploading then you will have a system that is dead in the water with no way of rescuing it.


Yeah, i know i have a problem with reuploading firmware as try for fixing. I'll stop haha. I just bridged the 2 transmit and receive pins and works like a charm now. It is a bit odd that it got stuck in bootloader in the first place though.