Torque curve was still the same no matter if I delay cams to crank or advance ... also when I play with overlap. You know .. it is simply not possible to have this result so I bought VEMS that gives me also other valuable options and features however we have other car were we would like also tune timing ... but it have the same graph ...
So you're not seeing any change in torque when changing the cam timing, but you think it's an injector timing problem? I'm a little confused. At higher RPMs anyway, the injectors are likely open most of the time, so the injector timing isn't as critical.
I think Leonhard's 0-720deg timeline is a great depiction of what is happening.
I don't really understand the original question, but from what I understand, the Injector Angle Curve config panel allows you to set the injector END angle with relation to crankshaft degrees. (of course since it wouldn't be to 720 if it was camshaft degrees). In general, you want the injector to spray on a closed intake valve so it atomizes from the valve heat.
Is that on the right track for your question at all?