Author Topic: analog input multiplexer  (Read 8015 times)

Offline Kamuto

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analog input multiplexer
« on: September 02, 2015, 01:16:48 pm »
hello, can someone  say when we are getting full software support for this stuff?
got some of theese at my garage but sadly still cant use them, because of 0 firmware support, I have tried 1.2.33fw for it, it has option for it, but there is no calibration for these analog inputs and so on :)
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Re: analog input multiplexer
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2015, 03:14:04 pm »
Hello Kamuto,

We are working on firmware support for it, actually the sampling part is already finished; But we need to remap a lot of the input selectors without breaking excising configs this takes some thinking :)

Best regards, Dave

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Re: analog input multiplexer
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2015, 01:40:24 am »
I believe you, that's the tricky part, are you planing to make normal input naming? something like on the link ecu?
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Re: analog input multiplexer
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2015, 08:37:35 am »
Hello Kamuto,

Could you elaborate what you mean with normal input naming ? like user configurable labels instead of selectable from list ?

Best regards, Dave

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Re: analog input multiplexer
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2015, 03:36:28 am »
something like dialog:
an1=fuel pressure
an2=gp input
an3=oil pressure
an5=0-5v input
and so on, names selected from dropdown menu, and after the naming you see these names in vemstune when looking in log or gauges.

btw, there is problem when vems is used for  egt dataloging  8 egt or any aditional egt conected on analog input, if you want to use warning light like if egt is more than 900 light goes on it will work if only egt 1 or 2 are above that value.
so that naming would help I think if after that selected channel gets aditional flag or marking that it belongs to egt channel group or something
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Offline gunni

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Re: analog input multiplexer
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2016, 10:45:14 pm »

What is the status on this?
2015_09_13 version with all ini files updated.

Shows analog multiplexer setup but thats about it, no extra analog channels been selected for gauges or channel inputs.

I also agree with Kamuto, the analogs need addressing so that eventually the free analogs can be used for inputs into strategies.
So you could have Lambda 3-6 , given that the ECU can have two preselected as the internal ones.
Spare temp 1-4
Spare pressure 1-4
Spare switch 1-4

Then in the drop down for each analog input you have
Lambda 3
Lambda 4
Lambda 5
Lambda 6
Spare temp 1
Spare temp 2
Spare temp 3
Spare temp 4
Spare pressure 1
Spare pressure 2
Spare pressure 3
Spare pressure 4
Spare switch 1
Spare switch 2
Spare switch 3
Spare switch 4

Then you might want for boost control to use Spare switch 1 as some form of control to change boost targeting
or use Spare pressure 1 as the input for Secondary PWM Y axis

We can skip having Axis curves and would simple allow 1024 as the maximum value for say secondary PWM axis, that should allow usage of most common pressure,temps and lambda values, lambda 0.9 would actually be 90 etc.

And then just have gradients and offsets like the current analogs.

When you have selected Analog 1 to be spare pressure 1 then no other analog can have spare pressure 1 also selected, Vemstune would detect and stop you from burning when there is such an error.

 Thats the type of stuff that would put some meaning to Versatile in VEMS.