Author Topic: ABZ V8 3.2 ECU to 3.6 with cam sync. won't fire. halpsss.  (Read 22061 times)

Offline smurfinator

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Re: ABZ V8 3.2 ECU to 3.6 with cam sync. won't fire. halpsss.
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2015, 04:15:00 pm »
I'm not trying very hard not to be a pain in the butt, here, but that link does not exist.  There is no sharing center listed in the VT help section.  It is not there.  When I try to get in to the directory from google, it asks for a login.

My old config is a mess because the board was self-destructing as I tried to tune the car after PAINSTAKINGLY re-re-re-re-checking and re-re-building all of all of the wiring, which was fine in the first place.  This is why I got a new board.

But all of the outputs were changed to the remaining ones until there were no more.  So, don't worry about those.  However, the ignition and running part still worked fine at the end :P.  Just no other outputs except the tach worked until the end as well.

Anyway, there is no public way into the sharing directory that I can find on the help pages:

Hello Ben,

Aha, very confusing indeed. Do you still have savefiles from your old ecu on your tuning laptop ? There should be plenty there as VT makes automatic save files for recovery later.
They are in "My Documents/VEMS_Files/ecuname_serialnumber/* or the backup subdir.

Please add these to a new sharing report, no login or password needed just use VT->Help->Sharing center and follow the steps. It will upload the files for you, create the report and provide you with the link to it.
After you have created this report with the requested files i will review; this to rule out any confusion in the future.

Best regards, Dave
Audi ABZ 4.2 V8 in 1993 90 quattro
TTV 60-2 flywheel and cam sync
firmware: 1.2.20

Smurf blue (BMW Laguna Seca), hence the name!

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Re: ABZ V8 3.2 ECU to 3.6 with cam sync. won't fire. halpsss.
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2015, 04:37:36 pm »
here is what my crank trigger 60-2 wheel looks like:

Thanks again for all of your help!

Audi ABZ 4.2 V8 in 1993 90 quattro
TTV 60-2 flywheel and cam sync
firmware: 1.2.20

Smurf blue (BMW Laguna Seca), hence the name!

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Re: ABZ V8 3.2 ECU to 3.6 with cam sync. won't fire. halpsss.
« Reply #17 on: July 24, 2015, 04:45:17 pm »
Hello Ben,

I'm not trying very hard not to be a pain in the butt, here, but that link does not exist.  There is no sharing center listed in the VT help section.  It is not there. 
With VT i mean the VemsTune program :) So open the VemsTune program, go to Help->Sharing center (in the VemsTune program) and follow the steps.

Best regards, Dave

Offline smurfinator

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Re: ABZ V8 3.2 ECU to 3.6 with cam sync. won't fire. halpsss.
« Reply #18 on: July 24, 2015, 06:50:27 pm »
oh, lol  Now you tell me.  Cool feature! :-[ :-[ :-[

here is running old dualfire folder report :

Here is latest version of config:

Thanks again!

Hello Ben,

I'm not trying very hard not to be a pain in the butt, here, but that link does not exist.  There is no sharing center listed in the VT help section.  It is not there. 
With VT i mean the VemsTune program :) So open the VemsTune program, go to Help->Sharing center (in the VemsTune program) and follow the steps.

Best regards, Dave
Audi ABZ 4.2 V8 in 1993 90 quattro
TTV 60-2 flywheel and cam sync
firmware: 1.2.20

Smurf blue (BMW Laguna Seca), hence the name!

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Re: ABZ V8 3.2 ECU to 3.6 with cam sync. won't fire. halpsss.
« Reply #19 on: July 25, 2015, 11:25:28 am »
Hello Ben,

Here is latest version of config:
Nice, your latest sharing report of old and new makes sense now :)
Could you also include a trriggerlog and vemslog of engine cranking 8-10 seconds without IGN and INJ fuse you can attach it to your report i linked above in quote (no login or password needed)

Best regards, Dave

Offline smurfinator

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Re: ABZ V8 3.2 ECU to 3.6 with cam sync. won't fire. halpsss.
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2015, 03:41:37 pm »
Done.  Internet died while uploading the vemslog the first time so I uploaded a second in case it got corrupted.  Also the jpg of the actual physical arrangement of my 60-2 wheel and sensor.


Hello Ben,

Here is latest version of config:
Nice, your latest sharing report of old and new makes sense now :)
Could you also include a trriggerlog and vemslog of engine cranking 8-10 seconds without IGN and INJ fuse you can attach it to your report i linked above in quote (no login or password needed)

Best regards, Dave
Audi ABZ 4.2 V8 in 1993 90 quattro
TTV 60-2 flywheel and cam sync
firmware: 1.2.20

Smurf blue (BMW Laguna Seca), hence the name!

Offline smurfinator

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Re: ABZ V8 3.2 ECU to 3.6 with cam sync. won't fire. halpsss.
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2015, 05:28:50 am »
DAVE!  Stop the presses!  Hold the phone!

I just finally got the visual primary trigger widget to look like my actual physical trigger and the car started, but runs only on 4 cylinders and shows half RPM and it won't respond to throttle :P. It runs VERY smooth, however.  Weird.

Tomorrow when I can open the garage and blast the neighbors with some V8 exhaust I'll see what the deal with that is and create a new report + trigger log etc.  If I can't figure it out still.

Thanks again for all the help... I'm not out of the woods yet :\
Audi ABZ 4.2 V8 in 1993 90 quattro
TTV 60-2 flywheel and cam sync
firmware: 1.2.20

Smurf blue (BMW Laguna Seca), hence the name!

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Re: ABZ V8 3.2 ECU to 3.6 with cam sync. won't fire. halpsss.
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2015, 08:45:11 am »
Hello Ben,

Great news! Upload your new files to your current sharing report and i'll review, the latest added files (that i saw) were taken on 23-07 and of same filename as previously attached to other report, therefore must be old.

Make sure to check your engine timing with timing light on several cylinders (you will have to make a new mark of that cylinders TDC for each and force timing to zero using VT->Tools->Ignition lock = 0.25) to get a grasp of whats going on there.

Best regards, Dave

Offline smurfinator

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Re: ABZ V8 3.2 ECU to 3.6 with cam sync. won't fire. halpsss.
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2015, 03:57:52 pm »
OK I uploaded my latest config and a vlog of the motor running and me blipping the throttle a bit.  Still won't go over 1000 rpm much.  Seems super lean at the moment so I raised my injector constsnt up to 22 from 15 temporarily until I can get a handle on the warmup and so forth.  Man, this stuff was all perfect before the new ECU...

I think the tach works, tho.  That's progress.  Do you know what I should use to run the ISV?  I don't know if I have 7 amp outputs on the new ECU.
Audi ABZ 4.2 V8 in 1993 90 quattro
TTV 60-2 flywheel and cam sync
firmware: 1.2.20

Smurf blue (BMW Laguna Seca), hence the name!

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Re: ABZ V8 3.2 ECU to 3.6 with cam sync. won't fire. halpsss.
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2015, 06:39:26 pm »
Hello Ben,

I have reviewed your latests vemslog "v3.3_u009651-2015.07.27-08.40.22.vemslog".

Your engine is definitely running on all 8 cylinders, i suspect just some VE retuning is needed. If the new ecu differs in fly-back type from your old ecu than most likely it only needs to be offset (e.g. add a certain additive to whole VE table or correct dead-time, first method is preferred.) Have you already verified engine timing with timing light ? This step is imperative before anything else!

Best regards, Dave

Offline smurfinator

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Re: ABZ V8 3.2 ECU to 3.6 with cam sync. won't fire. halpsss.
« Reply #25 on: July 27, 2015, 06:49:21 pm »
Hi, yes I was able to verify that my engine timing was off but in the ballpark on #1 with a simple white bulb.  I don't have a full setup for that.  Anyway, I got it running much better.  Turns out I had forgotten to config to the new 400kpa MAP sensor.  Old one was 250.  It was trying to run on no fuel, lol. 

I have no way to know if the flyback is different.  My old ECU (now in hu) was 8 years old and they did not send build sheets back then, plus it was a replacement of the first one that failed some injector output tests and that one was built 10 years ago.

But I didn't know that was an issue, so I will be prepared to shift the VE table.  I had just gotten a new o2 sensor when the old ecu died so do I need to get another new one to recalibrate to the new ecu?

On the fine-tuning of the timing.... what is the best way to approach that?  I mean, is it perfect if a legit timing light the TDC flywheel mark?  Or should I be looking at logged parameters to tweak it?


Hello Ben,

I have reviewed your latests vemslog "v3.3_u009651-2015.07.27-08.40.22.vemslog".

Your engine is definitely running on all 8 cylinders, i suspect just some VE retuning is needed. If the new ecu differs in fly-back type from your old ecu than most likely it only needs to be offset (e.g. add a certain additive to whole VE table or correct dead-time, first method is preferred.) Have you already verified engine timing with timing light ? This step is imperative before anything else!

Best regards, Dave
Audi ABZ 4.2 V8 in 1993 90 quattro
TTV 60-2 flywheel and cam sync
firmware: 1.2.20

Smurf blue (BMW Laguna Seca), hence the name!

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Re: ABZ V8 3.2 ECU to 3.6 with cam sync. won't fire. halpsss.
« Reply #26 on: July 27, 2015, 07:12:34 pm »
Hello Ben,

Seems you corrected most issues already, good stuff!

After a second review of your config i found you have a tdc after the trigger configured which is outside of the recommended range, please correct this before checking the engine timing with the procedure i will outline below:

To correct these BAD settings: VemsTune->Base setup->Primary Trigger settings->Tdc after the trigger change from 28.0 to 64.0, triggertooth adjust from 7 to 1.
This will not alter your resulting engine timing, but will allow for proper operation of the management system, it cannot spark before the tdc after the trigger timing, so you are effectively limiting your timing to 28 deg BTDC now, not good!

I would definitely check your wideband free-air calibration, with your new ecu; It should be roughly the same as with your old ecu, but better be safe than sorry. Check it in free-air (sensor out of exhaust).

If your engine already has a TDC mark from the factory thats helpful but i would check it just to make sure, doing timing calibration on cyl#1 is perfect (when engine is already running smoothly as appears from your vemslog). I'll outline the procedure in a few steps to clarify:

1) take out the cyl number 1 coil and sparkplug
2) with a wrench turn the engine manually monitoring piston TDC position with a long screwdriver or rod-end in sparkplug hole.
3) when TDC for cyl number 1 is found make a timing mark on crankshaft pully and underlying metal/platic cap.
4) screw back sparkplug and fit a small ignition spark lead between your cop coil and the sparkplug (cutting an old distributor cable works well for this).
5) get a timing light (or borrow one) and connect it to your ignition lead (pickup arrow towards sparkplug).
6) start the engine and go to VemsTune->Tools->Ignition lock and enter 0.25 degrees there.
7) with timing light check if your mark lines up, if it does not adjust tdc after the trigger in VemsTune->Base setup->Primary trigger settings.
8 ) if timing mark lines up procedure is complete, burn settings to ecu and restart the engine, all should be well now.
9) have fun tuning it!

Best regards, Dave

Offline smurfinator

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Re: ABZ V8 3.2 ECU to 3.6 with cam sync. won't fire. halpsss.
« Reply #27 on: July 27, 2015, 07:57:21 pm »
Thanks again for all of the help.  That major trigger shift was the kind of thing that was escaping me.  The documentation is SO fragmented...  It runs pretty well now and I can blip the throttle and it behaved normally!  Engine cannot be turned over by hand due to radiator space issues and my idiot 60-2 wheel not having a big enough hole in the middle (wtf?!?!).  Will have to get that fixed asap.

Now here is something I have discovered that is a major serious issue.  My electric fan causes to ECU to go bonkers.  No matter what I do to isolate it.  If the fan is running and I switch on the ignition, I can hear all the injectors and spark plugs firing epilleptically. Also the tach jumps.

All of my grounds are done per phatbob and checked for security.  This happens with the fan connected directly to chassis ground and alternator hot positive - no connection to the ECU at all.

Obviously, the car is not going anywhere until I fix this.  Where do I start looking?

Audi ABZ 4.2 V8 in 1993 90 quattro
TTV 60-2 flywheel and cam sync
firmware: 1.2.20

Smurf blue (BMW Laguna Seca), hence the name!