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inj phase angle + mat slope + CLT/MAPIgn

Started by fphil, April 07, 2014, 04:04:11 PM

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Hello, 3 questions and more in one topic ;)

Is the VT" injector phase angle" curve to be set for the opening or closing phases?
What are the criteria?
Do we better set the injection duration when the admission valve is opened?

"Idle Control General"/"RefPos Addition For MAT, slope".
If I understand well it is an addition factor to IacDC which value is k*MAT, where k can be choosen as  ko, 2*ko, 3*ko,..., ko=0.0011 (%/°C)  or so. Is it correct?
How to use this factor? I have noticed that when MAT comes to 40°, 50°, lambda becomes leaner and IACDC is better reduced. Am I wrong?

"CLT/MAP Ignition Adjust Table" Are lines for CLT entries and columns for MAP entries or the reverse?
Can some one give a sensible default table?



Hello Philippe,

* Injection END angle as elaborated in help: Normally you aim to end injection before intake valve Closes.

* Idle Control General help covers Mat slope with examples: This is effectively compensating Iac reference position for dropped air density (when MAT goes up), hence the opening Increase.

* CLT/MAP Ignition adjust, left column Map, top row CLT; Can be used to apply less (or more because colder engines allow it) advance during warmup phase to heat catalytic converters sooner or to provide engine protection on high load/high coolant. When in doubt, set to zero (no adjustment)

Best regards, Dave


Thanks Dave for the information.


Quote from: VEMS on April 07, 2014, 05:56:46 PM
CLT/MAP Ignition adjust, left column Map, top row CLT; Can be used to apply less (or more because colder engines allow it) advance during warmup phase to heat catalytic converters sooner or to provide engine protection on high load/high coolant. When in doubt, set to zero (no adjustment)
Entering positive value gives an ignition advance or an ignition retard?
Are negative values allowed?


Quote from: fphil on June 01, 2015, 10:20:43 AM
Entering positive value gives an ignition advance or an ignition retard?
Are negative values allowed?
Positive provides more advance, negative provides less advance (e.g. same direction as main ignition map).

Best regards, Dave