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Vems Bluetooth to Serial Adapter causing interference with TPS and MAP sensors

Started by ethergore, May 20, 2015, 09:13:51 PM

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I just purchased the Vems bluetooth to serial adapter and I am getting interference with my TPS and Map sensors. I have the plug powered using pin 28 5v power supply. I do not get interference until I am connected to my pc via the bluetooth signal. I haven't had the time to test if other bluetooth products cause this same interference.

Interference was verified using an oscilloscope.

Did I install this wrong? Is this normal and I need shielding? Any other ideas?



I just found this topic here that talks about getting poor signal to VEMSdisplay and says issues were fixed by wiring external to the ecu for power.,2277.0.html

It does not mention getting interference so I am wondering if it will still fix my problem.

If no one knows I will get to it tomorrow and report what I find.


QuoteHello Per,
This problem is not related to VemsDisplay in any way nor is it related to the Vems-BT; It works perfect when powered from external supply.
We have seen occasions where the total current requirement of the Vems-BT (and other items) is overdrawing the current capacity of the onboard (100mA max) +5V supply, are you feeding any other sensors or similar from pin#28 ?
Best regards, Dave


I do have the 5 volt powering an external map sensor that I don't need anymore. You think removing this will leave enough current or do you think I am better off wiring externally?

Thanks for that post. Very helpful.