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Started by boostd audi, December 17, 2012, 05:15:18 AM

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boostd audi

this is just a 12v vr6
i have a ferra +2mm valve train.
schirck cams
2000cc on e85
tial wg and bov

in doing this i decided since i had to make mounts anyway i would move the motor back about 4" and down 2" this is to gain a lower center of gravity and to get more weight off the front end for better handling.. plug i want to fit my treadstone 4.5" IC and 3" alum rad

here are some pics i just finished the mounting and will start the fabrication of the intake manifold and piping next

ferrea +2mm setup with 276 cams 12v

Pile o pparts adding up. 

Got a big box from 034.

motor mockup

boost addict's Vems powered Audi VRT s2


Can you explain a bit more: why VR6?!
IMHO 20VT breathes equally.

boostd audi

i had the vr6 head for years just sitting.. i always wanted to do a vr6quattro car. the extra displacement is why i went vr6 .. it will have twice the powerband that the 1.8t engine i had, on the same turbo.  there are plenty of 5cyl audis.. not many vr6 coupes out there.  another gain is the vr6 is smaller then the 5cyl.  its only 1" longer then the 1.8t and the vr is almost 4" shorter then the 5cyl..

i dont own any 5cyl parts except for the 7a that came out of this coupe.  so the vr6 seemed to have a couple more pros over the other choices available to me.

there are vr6 cars in my local junk yard and complete blocks are $70, U pull it.

havent seen a 5cyl at the yard in 5 years..

boost addict's Vems powered Audi VRT s2

boostd audi

motor mounts
Forgot a pic of the new moly trans bar but here are a couple pics i took along the way.

boost addict's Vems powered Audi VRT s2


Love it!
Anything rwd/awd with a vr6t is cool in my book!
Will be keeping an eye on this  8)


Something unusual ! Great engine choice !


Always had a soft spot for the VR6.  The noise they make, to my ears at least, is one of the best engine sounds that your average person can afford :)

Should be a monster.  Great build.


boostd audi

i got some time in the garage and got a couple things knocked off the list.  First I milled the stock lower intake flat and made a runner plate with inlets. After that i got the plenum round on.
i need more tubing for the tb inlet yet but so far so good.

Then I welded the 3.5" V band to the turbo,  and Welded the 46m wg v band  ring to the manifold.  Then fab'd the downpipe and dump tube as well. Kinda hard to see dp down in the tunnel I made but u get the idea

Last I threw the rad and fmic back on and got to layout IC piping.

boost addict's Vems powered Audi VRT s2

boostd audi

haven't updated in awhile. but we are rockin and rolling.

heres a couple pics. Slim 90mm vband tb. Intake Done as well

forgot a pic of the all moly trans bar. I added the extra side tabs that bolt to trans out of 4130 as well

Engine all done..  then I shortened an early audi driveshaft since motor is moved back 4". 

Can't wait to get this bitch sideways again...

boost addict's Vems powered Audi VRT s2


boostd audi

little update photo.  so far only have a street tune on it, it runs about 32psi.. hopefully dyno time coming soon

boost addict's Vems powered Audi VRT s2


Great project

I wunder if the driveshaft Will hold up, now you have loved the engine

I presume they are at a angle now since you have moved it that much

working on the boxer

boostd audi

So far so good.   I know a few guys here in the states that move them back and down.. There are guys with 2-3 inches more then me, no issue.
When u come down with motor and back u gain length in the down and loose only moving it back with the Quattro so its not much more of an angle then stock.
That and the car is a lot lower then factory also giving you some extra room. 

the center driveshaft or prop shaft is no different then stock its actually straighter then factory.
the axles in rear have not moved at all.. just the front axles have a touch more angle to them.
boost addict's Vems powered Audi VRT s2

boostd audi

I got some 2kcc injectors on my quest for 1000awhp

Here's a video

boost addict's Vems powered Audi VRT s2