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Started by irishtwincam, July 06, 2007, 06:46:29 PM

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Using a VW Pasat 2002 model coilpack with VEMS.
Can someone tell me the function of each wire.
Ive included some measurements and ASCII art to show what the coilpack layout is :D

      Resistance in OHMS
pin 1 to 2   1.7
pin 1 to 3    .8
pin 1 to 4    .4

pin 2 to 3   1.7
pin 2 to 4   1.3

pin 3 to 4    .4

tfk vwru4

C              A
|           |
|   /\      |
|   ``     |
B   ||||    D

[email protected]

Pins 1 to 4 = 0.4
Pins 3 to 4 = 0.4

So if we look at pins 1 to 3 we see 0.8 which means that 4 is the common (+12v) and 1 and 3 are the coils.
Pin 2 may be a common feed for the tacho.

Looking at page 36 of this:
It suggests that the 1 & 3 bit is right.


wire on pin 2 and 4 are thicker and hevier than the others


VW Terminology terminal 31 is Ground and 15 is Ignition power.
Looking at the Hueco page 36 confirms that Coilpack #2 is 15 (+12vIGN) and #4 is 31 (Ground)
so you have:

1) Input #1
2) +12v IGN
3) Input #2
4) Ground


Many thanks lugnuts.
Where do we ground pin 1?

Reading the COP thread not sure if it should be cylinder head (same as plug) or chassis (same as vems) ?

[email protected]

As this is a straight coil (with no built-in ignitor transistor) the ground goes to the head.
When you have a transistor you have two grounds, one to the head for the coil and one to the ECU ground cluster for the transistor.


Wired it as per the manual outlined above.
No spark.

Figure the coil is dead, gonna try another.


New coilpack, it didnt work either.
sAgems work out of the bhox, these VW items dont?

Charge time needs upping possibly?


That coil and most of the newer VW/Audi coils (the exception being the Audi AEB engine code circa 1998) does indeed have an internal ignitor (transistor).

The Ground is terminal #4 not terminal #1 according to the HUEGO diagram.

What is the Ignition Driver Configuration of your ECU? (8,4+4,2+6)?
What drivers or pin numbers are you using?

I do not know the dwell of that exact coil but with the others I have used it takes almost nothing to get the engine to start and idle. I have ran the VW/Audi 1.8t coils down to almost .5 msec at idle before noticing a difference, I use 2.9 msec for my normal setting.

And the coil on my 1993 VW Passat VR6 (distributor model) runs at 4.8 msec at idle.

I think your problem lies elsewhere.


[email protected]

If you're trying to drive the coil with the built-in igniter from the channels with igniters in the VEMS then you will get no spark.
The best bet would be to drive the coil from the stepper driver outputs on the EC18 plug ( see under External Amplifier )