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Fuel pump relay staying on when VEMS powered OFF through P259 output

Started by gunni, December 05, 2014, 04:45:52 PM

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So my fuel pump is running when the ecu is powered off, the main relay also stays on,
I´m using a 3.8 board, when I turn the ECU on the pump operates as per the software, i.e primes and then stops. serial number is 9680.

Not sure if it´s related.
At the same time pulsewidth for lambda 1.0 at idle has gone from 1.37ms to 1.42ms , no change in fuel pressure, not sure if that relates to this issue.


Quote from: gunni on December 05, 2014, 04:45:52 PM
So my fuel pump is running when the ecu is powered off, the main relay also stays on,
I´m using a 3.8 board, when I turn the ECU on the pump operates as per the software, i.e primes and then stops. serial number is 9680.

Not sure if it´s related.
At the same time pulsewidth for lambda 1.0 at idle has gone from 1.37ms to 1.42ms , no change in fuel pressure, not sure if that relates to this issue.
it's the protection diodes inside ecu :) if you  turn off ignition and fuel pump relay is still getting +12 from somewhere it will trigger from these diodes, if you rewire relay that it wont have +12 with ignition off no problem then
Vems installer in Lithuania
[email protected]


It's unwanted as i am getting 12v from a different supply then the 12v for the ecu, and I'm using standard wiring so it's not an option at all to have this happen.


"I'm using standard wiring" you mean E36 Pin15. You did not invert the logic? so the pump relay should be on when E36Pin15 (not wired) is grounded (0.001V)? This is what I get on the bench, also pin 15 gives a floating 0V (0.08-9) when not running.

I guess that this relay stays on because of a small be sufficient current through the solenoid.  I would try to reduce this leak using a resistance in line.
Of course the value of this leak and the sensibility of the relay are dependable


No standard engine wiring, i.e oem loom.

I have and want to use the p259 outputs for relays, and it seems without proection diodes is the only way.


I noticed that too in summer when first installed v3.8 board and I just removed the diode on the fuel pump output, left the others in place.


In case someone finds this thread with a search:,2565.msg24330.html#msg24330

Quoteeither remove the protection diodes (but there is a reason they are there).
Or make sure your relays are not powered when the ecu is not powered, thats it, changing 1 wire from vbat+ to switched vbat seems te easiest (and recommended) route.
VEMS USA - Located in beautiful Burlington, Vermont
1988 RX7 Turbo


Quote from: jrussell on October 30, 2015, 05:47:20 PM
In case someone finds this thread with a search:,2565.msg24330.html#msg24330

Quoteeither remove the protection diodes (but there is a reason they are there).
Or make sure your relays are not powered when the ecu is not powered, thats it, changing 1 wire from vbat+ to switched vbat seems te easiest (and recommended) route.
only few ecus were affected by this, current ones don't have this problem :)
Vems installer in Lithuania
[email protected]



seems V3.8 was changed without changing the version numbering [wow!, I was surprised!]. In beginning protection diodes was routed to EC36-25 now same diodes go to EC36-23 (flyback wire) - more reasonable solution. So it is wise to wire up relays with coil connected to this wire.



Having this problem too, even if new ecu.
With key to OFF, Main relay and Fuel Pump relay are still getting a 4V in the relays' coils, making the Fuel Pump to start.
And they are getting the 4V from the Flyback wire, as removing it from ecu would shut the relays off.
What about connecting the Flyback to the Fuel Pump Positive AFTER the Fuel Pump relay?

Mads Lund

I've made this P259 amplifier

And it's working fine on a 3.8B board.

A small note is that I had to insert a 18V zener in front og the FET protection diodes, to ensure the power from the relays didn't run backward and powered the 12V ECU mains. But except from that little "bug" did it solve all my P259 issues.

I have plenty of raw boards, FOC for who ever need one.



Quote from: Mads Lund on December 25, 2016, 08:39:56 PM
I've made this P259 amplifier

And it's working fine on a 3.8B board.

A small note is that I had to insert a 18V zener in front og the FET protection diodes, to ensure the power from the relays didn't run backward and powered the 12V ECU mains. But except from that little "bug" did it solve all my P259 issues.

I have plenty of raw boards, FOC for who ever need one.


Thanks, very interesting...
Anyway, any other way to fix it?
Would it be ok to connect the Injector Flyback on a switched 12v?

Mads Lund

I think your magic trick will be to insert a 18V zener diode. They work in a way, that current will flow in one direction, and no current the other way (like a normal diode works) but when the reverse voltage exceed the zener level (eg. 18V) can current flow in both directions.
In your case, where a protection diode potentially make current flow from a relay power back toward the FET, throu a protection diode, and back to a mains somewhere, can a zener allow the spike protection, but stop the reverse current a normal voltages (12-14v).

It's a common issue when the design controls the electornics on both the positive and negative side. Even I thougt that I was carefull when I designed the complete loom for my TVR, did I end up with the nice feature that turning on the long beam, with the key out... made the ECU power up..... a couple of hours and a few diodes later, did it work as expected :-)

Injector flyback, that is powered from the injector +12V should normally not have power without the ECU is on power, Either by using the same relay for both injector + ignition + ecu power, or by powering the injector and ignition with the fuel pump relay

Br Mads


What about connecting a resistance to drop this 4V Under the threshold voltage of the relay? Or else you could upper the thereshold with a diode.


Quote from: fphil on December 28, 2016, 04:59:56 PM
What about connecting a resistance to drop this 4V Under the threshold voltage of the relay? Or else you could upper the thereshold with a diode.
why just not make relay supply die when ignition is off? :)
Vems installer in Lithuania
[email protected]