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v3.6 of 4 IGBT + 4 Logic with v3 TwinShieldHarness for BMW E36 M52 turbo project

Started by vibor, September 15, 2014, 03:46:03 PM

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I am turbocharging my BMW e36 328 1996 180k done.
I have got most of hardware including VEMS 3.6 and ready to rock and roll in couple of weeks time.

I am able to figure out most of the connections and setups. Thanks to forum members, been reading a lot on this product.

I need help to understand what mode do I need to setup the ignition module based on the spec I have mentioned below for an E36 M52? E.g., COP..
Do I need to redo the ignition wiring?
I think the primary trigger is Hall for M52, I maybe wrong. If it is then what do I need to do to make it compatible with VEMS primary which is config as VR?

ECU VEMS V3 (v3.6 of 4 IGBT + 4 Logic):
4 + 4 ignition outputs
EGT input 1
Flyback HighZ-only 30V
Ignition driver 4
Knock input channels 0
LCD connection
MAP connection 400kPa (6/4mm pneumatic)
Primary_trigger EC36/27 VR
Secondary_trigger HALL
SDcard removable
1 x Standard 3 Port Boost Control Valve (b1)

v3 TwinShieldHarness:
1 x Wideband O2 sensor (LSU4)
1 x v3 TwinShieldHarness (T) custom length no
Injectors I6 with_relays
1 x red LCD cased (blueLCD4x20c)
2 x iButton (DS1990A)
1 x iButton reader (IRL1)
1 x Bluetooth-RS232 adapter (v1.0) with wire Wired-in 12V Dual USB Power Supply
1 x EGT sensor (K-type) (K-type)
PS2 connection

Available pins current on econoseal:

Econoseal 36 connector available pins
1  - TPS Signal
2  - IAT/MAT Signal
5  - GND
6  - Inj G
7  - Inj A
8  - Inj C
9  - Inj E
11 - Ign CH4, Logic level out on 6+2, 4+4, 2+6 and 0
14 - CLT Signal
15 - P259 CH5, Fuel Relay
16 - P259 CH1
17 - Inj H
18 - Inj F
19 - Inj B
20 - Inj D
21 - GND
22 - GND
23 - Flyback
25 - Supply +12V
26 - GND
27 - Primary trigger VR
28 - Supply +5V
29 - TPS Power (yellow)
32 - GND
33 - Ign CH1, Logic level out on 4+4, 2+6 and 0
35 - Ign CH0, Logic level out on 4+4, 2+6 and 0

Econoseal 18 connector available pins
7  - WBO2 pump +
9  - WBO2 pump -
13 - WBO2 Nerst Signal
14 - RS232DSUB9 pin3
15 - RS232DSUB9 pin2
17 - GND
18 - WBO2 Heater


What's your location?

On the US M52 (e36 328) the triggers are Hall/Hall. The crank trigger has a factory defect though in that many of them only output around 2.5-3V, so they can be flaky. In my case, it worked flawlessly up to 2500rpm, and then the voltage dropped enough to not trigger logic high in the ECU, and many trigger errors. It doesn't work properly in the Motronic ECU all the time either.

To fix your triggers, it can be done, but I strongly recommend sending it to a repair center (me, if you're in the US) to get the primary trigger converted to Hall. You'll need at least 2 more ignition outputs converted to IGBT also if you're using the stock coils. I suggest all 8 ignition outputs as IGBT so you have two spares for IAC or boost solenoid, etc.

VEMS USA - Located in beautiful Burlington, Vermont
1988 RX7 Turbo


Thxs Russell.

I am in Sydney and am more than happy to send the unit and harness to any part of the world to get it rectify.
I really need help on this. Can you PM me and we will take it from there.


OBD1 motors in NA were VR/Hall, but OBD2 cars were Hall/VRish sensors for the Siemens ECU.  Not sure if someone came up with compatibility yet in VEMS for it, but to be safe I suggest you swap that cam sensor for an OBD1 Hall sensor and all will be fine.


I will keep that in mind to swap that cam sensor for an OBD1 Hall sensor, however I still have to rectify my circuit board to support the ignition setup for my car.

Anyone willing to help to redo and make changes on the circuit board for me?


Quote from: jrussell on September 16, 2014, 05:58:50 AM
To fix your triggers, it can be done, but I strongly recommend sending it to a repair center (me, if you're in the US) to get the primary trigger converted to Hall. You'll need at least 2 more ignition outputs converted to IGBT also if you're using the stock coils. I suggest all 8 ignition outputs as IGBT so you have two spares for IAC or boost solenoid, etc.

I am in Sydney, is there anyway you can help me to mod the circuit board for me.


I don´t have any wiring help for your M52 , is it Siemens ecu?

ETM is here ,

Should be able to work out what goes where, with your M52 trigger wheel you need to shift the ignition outputs one forward vs what is normal.

Rest is simply Single vanos wiring but the siemens pin numbers are quite different.
you can possibly copy some out of here or at least make some sense of it,


Hello. I have vems in my E36 328 and i noticed that us version ms41.1 ecu have few differences in pinouts compared to euro version ms41.0 ecu. Please check which ecu do you have and maybe I can guide you to the right direction. I solved the crank trigger problem with m50 engines HALL sensor and adapter connector made from original sensors plug.

Regards: Anssi


Quote from: apomiett on September 18, 2014, 08:45:03 PM
Hello. I have vems in my E36 328 and i noticed that us version ms41.1 ecu have few differences in pinouts compared to euro version ms41.0 ecu. Please check which ecu do you have and maybe I can guide you to the right direction. I solved the crank trigger problem with m50 engines HALL sensor and adapter connector made from original sensors plug.

Regards: Anssi

I checked and you were right mine is MS41.0 however I still haven't figure out the ignition wiring mods with respect to my current VEMS specs, that still is a concern area to match car's 6 cylinders to my VEMS 3 ignition channels, is a mystery. If you look at the specs I have posted in my first post you might know what I am saying. All I know is 6 cylinders 6 ignition wires and then you set them as sequential or batch fire. 

About primary trigger, I have decided to swap the cam sensor for an OBD1.

Haven't got time yet to study the info posted by Gunni though.


Quote from: gunni on September 18, 2014, 07:24:55 PM
Rest is simply Single vanos wiring but the siemens pin numbers are quite different.
you can possibly copy some out of here or at least make some sense of it,

Went through the doc this weekend, quite a good info I have gathered.
In page no 4 of the doc, pin 21, 33, 11, 12, 24, 36 and 34 are used to config the ignitions. In my case I only have 21, 33, 11 available as stated in my first post.

Does that mean I have repair the gen board? Help please.


Can anyone help me to add more ignition outputs to the board? I really want this thing to work for my project.




Quote from: gunni on October 27, 2014, 12:18:49 PM
Are you willing to open the ecu and fit them yourself?

Do I have other options? I don't want to see it going into the bin.
But worth giving it a try.
