Author Topic: How rude: The story of aweful customer service  (Read 3052 times)

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How rude: The story of aweful customer service
« on: September 25, 2014, 10:25:18 pm »
Well I made all those posts on my other thread but it got deleted by the admin for linking to a youtube mentioning my groin... I fixed that. Anyway I wanted everyone to have a chance to comment on VEMS's customer support being so blatantly poor. But before we start on that I wanted to repost the stuff that didn't make the cut over on my previous thread. Begin!

Reply #8 on: September 24, 2014, 02:49:35 am ยป

Oh well, I guess theres only room for one satisfied human in this transaction. What does "We've worked with the reseller that sold you that unit, and there's not much more we can do" mean? Did you guys go bankrupt? I never received my check.

 Could you at least expand on "We encourage you to work with the reseller if you have any additional questions. If necessary we will work with them as well. " Call me stupid but I am unable to determine what either of these two sentences mean. Am I unable to get technical help because I am unhappy unless I seek it from someone else? Does the second sentence mean you guys finally believe the vendor's discovery? Please elaborate in a convincing manner.

 Lastly, I went through my emails and the only thing I mention that I suppose could be construed as a threat is the paragraph where I outline the actions I will be taking such as contacting,, and the chamber of commerce so that I may have VEMS's business license revoked. I meant those thing though. I wasn't even saying that stuff to be mean. Please don't misunderstand, I was typing things I fully intended to do, like an itinerary I guess.

We can call it closed pretty soon I think, but right now it seems open because I have these two pending questions. I do like this public venue as well. Lets keep this going.

Reply #9 on: September 24, 2014, 02:57:25 am

Rolling reminder...

Wish me a happy birthday on September 27th! 8)

And here's the car running 24 psi. It runs. Might still be hopes of turning this into an actual project thread

I stand corrected! You guys cant seem to handle my whistleblower style so heres the link to my youtube channel where you can catch up on everything VEMS-Is-Run-By-Terrible-Human-Beings.
Reply #10 on: September 24, 2014, 10:33:38 pm

BTW companies that don't return phone calls have something to hide in my opinion. I have records and not a single returned phone call. Please explain.

8-14 left message
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Would you be so kind as to post your call log to my phone number? Thanks in advance for your time.

Eternally butt-hurt,


August 25th, 7:03 PM

"Hi Jason, im feeling a little neglected here. I have not been contacted by the Hungarian headquarters in over 3 Weeks. They seem to not be taking me seriously. Imagine for a moment that I contacted and where I would file reviews/complaints pertaining to the US office address associated with your branch. Frankly, its publicity you don't want (not the kind you want anyway). Now, if that wasn't bad enough, I then took it one step further and contacted the Attorney General. Usual very terrible things happen to companies in the USA, regardless of whether they are foreign-based or local.  What would occur at that point in time is VEMS's license to carry on doing business in the USA would be revoked. Ask the Hungarian headquarters if that is something that is good or bad for business. I don't think either of us wants any of this to occur, honestly. However, what really gives me the pull to do this is the fact that I am being ignored by the company, especially Katalin at VEMS HQ in Hungary. I have not had contact with her since she emailed on August 12th. That is the most important part of my argument, as well. When a company sells a product, which destroys what it is installed into (prior to user programming) and the company refuses to help the customer by correcting what they have caused damage to, the attorney general frowns on the manufacturer. They give the consumer alot of power in America, fortunately for me. Jason, I appreciated  your professionalism in your response and I don't want this to be construed as a personal attack on you,  but it is definitely urgent that you make your employer realize the gravity of my situation. When a new customer searches for VEMS on google, my poor service experience review will be on the first page of search results that person reads. Megasquirt is a very real and tangible competitor to VEMS, especially when you consider the price range and the fact that the hardware is considered much more robust compared to that of VEMS. I read that information in a Web forum comparing VEMS and megasquirt. It doesn't even matter if that statement was correct, either, as it was part of the results on the first page of a google search on the subject. So as you can see, we have a definite problem here, more for your employer than myself. I have waited patiently for responses to no avail. Its already been put out there by internet users that VEMS tech support is less to brag about than megasquirt's. Help your employer help me. Seriously, its getting old waiting for your US office to call me. I will continue to fill the message machine of that phone number until this is resolved. And I do have records of all contact i've "attempted" at this point. Jason, please respond or have Katalin do so before my hand is forced to spill the truth of this entire situation online in its fullness. You literally have to pay professionals to have this kind of information removed from the internet. Please avoid a "black-eye" review online and respond immediately to my inquiries. As always, thank you for your time.

 Julian Katos"

See? That wasn't sooo bad. I was quite nice about it. I was just exercising my legal-rights muscle.


Now this is a discussion area of anything and everything you feel like so I wanted people to take note of some of the important statements from my deleted posts. They were just casualties of censorship but I would encourage you all to read the highlighted post more than the others if you skip the rest.

Anyone else think their customer support needs work, or is it good the way it is? For, against?
You are a good person... breathe deep