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subaru h6 ez30r trigger

Started by shark_22, August 27, 2014, 04:37:33 PM

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Hi, im new here, first time for me to work with vems!
I instal the v3.6  to run my h6  ez30r avcs+vvl

I didn't wire up the avcs I just want to start the car at first

I want some advice about my log

look like i dont have spark event, but not sure what mean ignition falling

The car crank but dont start, all my coil have 12v,gnd,signal

I use the config file from kamuto here who did the same swap
Here'S my trigger log and the config file



Hello Shark_22,

I have reviewed you triggerlog, you have spark events (called IGN_FALLING) and they seem to happen a bit before TDC. So from triggering side all looks good.

Did you verify ignition order and timing with a timing light to check your ignition outputs setup ?

Best regards, Dave


 Thanks for your answer,I didnt use the timming light yet

As pimary; crank sensor vr
secondary; RH cam hall
Third; LH cam hall

But i read in the Gintsk post that we have to put the Lh cam on secondary (on my h6 avcs), so I try today
I got my log + config file here

Not sure what happen

The car crank, I hear the compression but dont start
so I chek my ignition coil and I dont have spark..
coil on plug, got my 12v,gnd on each while cranking and have continuity on each signal to the econoseal

When I try to test my ignition coil noting happen..
If i do the same thing with my injector, I hear it cliking(also got fuel)

So I dont know whats wrong in my setup

For some information:

firing order: 1-6-3-2-5-4

Ignition CYL 1: PIN 34
Ignition CYL  2: PIN 36
Ignition CYL 3: PIN 11
Ignition CYL 4: PIN12
Ignition CYL 5: PIN35
Ignition CYL 6: PIN33

Injector CYL 1: PIN 7
Injector CYL 2: PIN 19
Injector CYL 3: PIN 8
Injector CYL 4: PIN 20
Injector CYL 5: PIN 9
Injector CYL 6: PIN 18

So if i understand i got spark(ignition falling) but in real my spark plug doesnt..

If somebody can check this out and find something wrong!



Lets take things one step at a time:

1) when the coil does not fire using the test mode in VemsTune->Base setup->Ignition Outputs Visual, there is no need to proceed with any cranking test what so ever. The reason for the test mode not working needs to be diagnosed first, most likely cause imho is either no power to the coil or wrong coil connection. Do not proceed to step 2 until this is fixed.
2) verify trigger connection; according to my notes for "Subaru 36-2-2-2 (H6) AVCS Camsync" the left cam sensor connects to the secondary trigger.
3) after changing the trigger wires, take another triggerlog @ cranking without INJ or IGN fuse 8-10 seconds and post it for review, if there a no trigger errors proceed to step 4.
4) when the coils are working in testing mode, verify engine timing and firing order with timing light at cranking only (removed INJ fuse, IGN only), correct firing order, trigger tooth and tdc after the trigger if needed.
5) reinsert INJ fuse, try cranking the engine; If fueling is somewhat in the ballpark it should start.

Best regards, Dave


If you can go check in the ignition output table, you gonna se where i put it.
Subaru coil have 3 wire
I goy my 12v,gnd, but No signal
I got continuity on each signal wire on each coil to the econoseal..

The v3 supply a 5v in the ignition output(signal)?

If yes I got nothing and i dont see where im wrong..



Hello Shark_22,

Following my analogy of the step by step approach, it seems you are at step 1) and found out your Subaru most likely has active coils instead of passive ( 'dumb') coils  ?

Did you order your Vems system with options matching this ? If so, wire the coils to Ignition outputs which are marked logic out on the information sheet that came with your ecu and try again.

Best regards, Dave



For a 4 cyl. we sometimes make a pull up to the fets and invert the outputs in software.
I think you maybe need a stronger signal to trig the coils. They normally work using the stepper.
Logiclevel will not trig this kind of coil.



works no problem with logic level :)
Vems installer in Lithuania
[email protected]

Gary UrS4

Good day Gentlemen! I am helping Shark 22 with this. We contacted Jason via FB and he mentioned to use steppers ABC. Thanks Jason for your replies. We wired cyl 1&2 to A, 5&6 to B, C to 3&4. We got spark finally. I do understand this is the wasted spark method as any H4 atmo engine.

Now, this is the weird part. We turn engine over and we got some afterfire! I have swaped heads on one of my Subarus in the past and I had the wrong trigger cam. I had the same type of symptoms.

So, I do believe there is a timing issue going on. Getting after fire and starter strains showing firing before piston gets to TDC!

Also, the ECU he ordered has IGBT's when he shouldn't have. He specified clearly that they were active or smart coils since the ignitors are incorperated into the coils. This in return is probably another setback that is confusing us in this set-up. Meaning we are wiring properly, but the ecu isn't set-up for this configuration.




Quote from: Gary UrS4 on September 02, 2014, 10:43:46 PM
Good day Gentlemen! I am helping Shark 22 with this. We contacted Jason via FB and he mentioned to use steppers ABC. Thanks Jason for your replies. We wired cyl 1&2 to A, 5&6 to B, C to 3&4. We got spark finally. I do understand this is the wasted spark method as any H4 atmo engine.

Now, this is the weird part. We turn engine over and we got some afterfire! I have swaped heads on one of my Subarus in the past and I had the wrong trigger cam. I had the same type of symptoms.

So, I do believe there is a timing issue going on. Getting after fire and starter strains showing firing before piston gets to TDC!

Also, the ECU he ordered has IGBT's when he shouldn't have. He specified clearly that they were active or smart coils since the ignitors are incorperated into the coils. This in return is probably another setback that is confusing us in this set-up. Meaning we are wiring properly, but the ecu isn't set-up for this configuration.



don't think he mentioned that coils are smart, he just mentioned that coils have 3 wires, and as most bmw, and audi 3 wire coils these are dumb ones. if you are having timing issue, just check timing with timing light..
Vems installer in Lithuania
[email protected]

Gary UrS4

Why with a timing light? We have trigger logs and triggers on cams etc. Using a timing light on an old v-8 with distributor cap I understand, but with a car with senors? Timing wheel and cam wheels are OEM and haven't been changed. Something is set up different in the software.


Quote from: Kamuto on September 03, 2014, 03:55:53 AM
Quote from: Gary UrS4 on September 02, 2014, 10:43:46 PM
Good day Gentlemen! I am helping Shark 22 with this. We contacted Jason via FB and he mentioned to use steppers ABC. Thanks Jason for your replies. We wired cyl 1&2 to A, 5&6 to B, C to 3&4. We got spark finally. I do understand this is the wasted spark method as any H4 atmo engine.

Now, this is the weird part. We turn engine over and we got some afterfire! I have swaped heads on one of my Subarus in the past and I had the wrong trigger cam. I had the same type of symptoms.

So, I do believe there is a timing issue going on. Getting after fire and starter strains showing firing before piston gets to TDC!

Also, the ECU he ordered has IGBT's when he shouldn't have. He specified clearly that they were active or smart coils since the ignitors are incorperated into the coils. This in return is probably another setback that is confusing us in this set-up. Meaning we are wiring properly, but the ecu isn't set-up for this configuration.



don't think he mentioned that coils are smart, he just mentioned that coils have 3 wires, and as most bmw, and audi 3 wire coils these are dumb ones. if you are having timing issue, just check timing with timing light..

all Subaru coil on plug with 3 wire are smart coil..

anyway, this is not a problem now I got spark, I need to get it start!

I gonna send my config log and trigger log soon if somebody can see something wrong!


my config,log

For people who have install a vems in a ez30 or any Subaru with 32-2-2-2  are using the original crank Wheel?


Just once, use fuckin timing light, this is not p&p ecu,
Vems installer in Lithuania
[email protected]

Gary UrS4

Thanks for the constructive answer! We will be using a fucking timing light shortly!  ::)