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Launch control trigger wiring

Started by JohnP, May 10, 2014, 06:50:28 PM

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  I'm in need of trigger wiring information regarding  launch control. I have read that a 5v input is needed, and have also read that just a ground wire is needed.

  I have several cars running vems with turbochargers. I have been using just MSD ignitions two step modules and have been swayed to remove those for finer VEMS ignition and fuel control.

  I am using 3 cars with 3.6 boards and one might be a 3.7 If you can explain the pins to be wired and switched, I will be grateful.
   Thank you John

boostd audi

you want an input that already has pullup and is protected..
you can see which ones have pullup in your paper work with your ecu
or by going to the ANALOG INPUT RAW tab to bring up the ADC input screen of 8 gauges.. there you can see which ones already have +5v pullup by reading which gauge (channel) is reading 5v..
then hook that channels pin at ecu and run that to a switch and then ground.   so launch is tuned on when you ground this channel.  you can also test your switch/ground wiring and watch the same gauge screen toggle between 0 and 5v as you switch you launch control switch.

some people use a switch others use one mounted on clutch pedal or on ebrake switch.  depends what your doing with the car is how I wire them..
boost addict's Vems powered Audi VRT s2


you can also trigger by wheel speed if you have that setup


i'm with the same problem,and i'm  trying to trigger by wheel speed but i can't calibrate properly the wheel speed sensor any tip ?