Download latest/unstable VemsTune. Upgrade firmware. Start from there.
I appreciate the need for that, but it is WAY too big of a change for me to deal with right now. I am 7 years behind on update because the car just ran fine all that time and I need to nail down these simple things or determine if the board is fried.
Now, I have moved the fan and fuel pump to 7 amp output and they STILL do not behave correctly. I may not have those FETS installed, it actually occurs to me. Myt board is 8 years old I think.
But I know I have a Stepper chip and they didn't work with that either. Stupid question: To run relays off the stepper, should I choose channel "i##" instead of channel ## ( no "i").
Thanks! Is my board fried? I mean this stuff all used to work