Technical > Wiring & Sensors

Impreza loom adaptor

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Thanks to Rob I now have most of the parts I need for my prototype Impreza loom adaptor.
This will be built over the next week or so.

I have had an idea regarding a production version...  It also has potential applications in other areas, provided the costs come out OK.

We take a VEMS case extrusion and chop it into 3 (or 4) pieces so that we have 3 smaller cases.  Take some standard end plates, some PCB mount EC connectors that mate with the VEMS connectors and then the Subaru ECU connector.  Make a PCB where these all fit, containing the transient diode and resistor packs and you have a very neat robust P&P solution... :)

dnb did you get the subaru to run on VEMS? I've looked at the plug and play type things for a while now and I'm convinced that the best solution is to make a conversion harness so additional wires will be easily accessible.


Not finished yet.  I'm currently gearboxless in the Subaru! 

Will you be using stock Crank angle sensor as a primary trigger?

Yes.  Provided the code mods work as expected. 


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