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Firmware update 1.2.11 to 1.2.23 info/tips

Started by kivi84, May 29, 2014, 08:45:19 PM

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I would like to update firmware in my vems ecu from 1.2.11 to 1.2.23, to use knock detection option. There is few additional features in new firmware that we need to set after update and there is a small problem. When I correct all validations errors (btw there is some strange errors like invalid ETC PWM frequency) I can't start the engine and I have no idea were to look!?

I used off course latest VT (1.5.25). Vems with uhex bootloader.

Any suggestions welcome.

ps. I can post my firmware if someone would like to take a look on it.

Best regards


There is a built-in error report tool. Use it and post the link.
Please post triggerlog  if you can, and maybe a log of cranking. It can all be uploaded on the error report page if you create one, so do that first.


Eventually after the update the ecu may have stayed in "safe mode" where there is n ignition and injection. Have a look to the help menu/search:"safe mode"


Hello Paul,

If you make a sharing report and post the link we can review your configuration, make sure to also include a triggerlog of engine cranking (without IGN or INJ fuse for 8-10 seconds).
Running latest VemsTune is indeed imperative, but make sure to also run "Preferences->Update files manually" to get the latest configuration updates from server.

Best regards, Dave


"Safe mode" automatically turned off right after config verification or config upload. I did "update files manually" after firmware install ;)
I will try again today and log all the things You pointed, and post the report.

Best regards