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Started by fphil, June 24, 2014, 05:21:31 PM

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 I have linked the first wbo2 (lambda1) to the injectors of the right bank of the engine and the second wbo2 (lambda2) to the injectors of the other bank and I switch Ego correction on.

It seems that when lambda1 = lambdaTarget, EgoCorrection2 becomes inactive and  lambda2 cannot reached the lambdaTarget.

Do you know the logic of the 2 wideband ego correction?

On the other hand, if EgoCorrection2 would have been kept running, there should have been 2 Pulse Width  values computed, one for each bank of injectors. This is not the case with the fw.

(I have a leak on the exhaust gasket of one bank)


Hi Phil,

Actually there is an independent PulseWidth computed for each injector output; If you take a look in VemsTune->View->Group->Injector Calibration you'll get a quick overview.
More insight into computation of each injector's output PulseWidth is available in the Calc Model-> InjX Calculation (in which X is injector index number).

Best regards, Dave


Hi Dave,

Are you saying that when lambda1 reaches the lambdaTarget, the  EgoCorrection2 should stay  running until lambda 2 reaches the lambda target ?

btw for which injector is the PW value of the logviewer, or is it a mean ?




Hello Phil,

The PulseWidth shown in VT (when selecting the variable from Fuel/Enrichments->Pulse Width) is the PulseWidth from the first bank.
The individual PulseWidths are available in group Individual Power-> Injector X Pulse width, in which X is injector index.

Im looking into the dual ego control issue you pointed out; It is triggered by having a non-zero "engine cycles before changing correction" in dual wideband ego mode. This cycle delay invalidates the back to back sequencing (gated by the active sampling/computed lambda channel) of the ego controllers, giving one controller a higher update rate than the other.

Best regards, Dave


Dave I sent you a new VT report. However here is a picture for what we are talking about:


The isEgo shows the time when lambda1 (red) reaches the lambdaTarget. But afterwhile nothing occurs for lambda2 (blue).



Hello Phil,

Answered your report, also annotated in your screenshot below: isEGO is inactive for this entire section (apart from a tiny frame), therefore no action on ego correction.

Best regards, Dave


To add some explanation for readers of this post, Dave told me that when you set minimum RPM=900 as a condition for Ego enabling, the fw translates the value to 9 = 900/100 and enables ego for rpm such as RPM/100 >9.

Indeed the isEgo portion on the picture is when rpm>1000 (after the delay to enable ego)