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EZ30 in VW

Started by MK, May 09, 2014, 07:21:07 PM

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I am installing EZ30 in VW. The engine will be running with vems on stock triggers and Audi 2.8 30V wasted spark coils.
I have finished soldering the last few components and have few questions regarding trigger setup (EZ30's primary trigger is VR, secondary - HALL):
1. Primary trigger (VR) - SJ2 open , SJ6 closed - have I missed something?

2. Secondary trigger (HALL) - this is strange. As you can see from the pictures, my V3.6 board  have a resistor soldered differently (received the board from Hungary like this) as seen in the picture from VEMS wiki. Is it just because picture is from different Vems version board and V3.6 should look like in my picture? I just put a solder blob between pads as per instructions from VEMS wiki. Everything should be good, right?

Thanks for replies in advance!


1. yes, sh6 closed.
2. it's ok(your picture).


Dear fellow members.
I have troubles setting up primary&secondary triggers for EZ30 Phase 1. Phase 1 EZ30 have only one secondary trigger located behind the LH camshaft. I am using 1.2.23 firmware. I selected Subaru 36-2-2-2-H6 from the primary trigger drop down list and worked from there.

Also, I did not buy the engine with coil plugs, so I installed  wasted spark coil pack from Audi 2.8 30V (N/A engine). This is wasted spark 3x2 coil pack with built in ignitors  and I wired these like this -  Cyl1+Cyl2 - IGBT0, Cyl6+Cyl5 - IGBT1, Cyl3+Cyl4 - IGBT2. Firing order for EZ30 is 1-6-3-2-5-4.

One more question  - does anybody know (or suggest) the dwell settings for this Audi 2.8 30V wasted spark coil pack?

Thank you for the tips in advance!


Hello MK,

Lets start with the basics, if you suspect some problem with the trigger handling you need to provide the information to allow for remote verification/review of any potential problem; therefore could you provide the following:

1) triggerlog of engine cranking 8-10 seconds without IGN or INJ fuse
2) the used configuration either vemscfg or vemslog (not screenshots), Vemstune has an internal mechanism to make a sharing report to which you can link here.

Best regards, Dave


This is how the primary trigger looks like (I only saw in the morning, that secondary trigger have not been recorded at all, will check this in the evening)

This is a snapshot from trigger log:

As you can see from the trigger log: It shows 19 -> 2 missing -> 9 -> 2 missing , but the trigger log visual snapshot shows the correct EZ30 pattern (I suppose I understand it correctly) 19 -> 2 missing -> 10 -> 2 missing -> 1 -> 2 missing. Why so?

Trigger log:
Trigger CSV:

I just wanted to confirm the meaning of "default" settings drop down list under primary trigger settings and explanation of errors mentioned below.

1. Does Subaru 36-2-2-2-H6 relates to the EZ30 non AVCS Phase 1 RH-cam sensor only trigger setup? I can't find answer anywhere in the Vemstune help list. Or should I select the 36-2-2-2-H6_AVCS and get rid of anything related to the second LH-cam sensor and AVCS after that? Because - I see there are differences in trigger setup between H6 and H6_AVCS trigger settings.
2. What settings are pre-selected in case of selecting this Subaru 36-2-2-2-H6 and should not be changed after that?
3. Notification No 1 / No 2 and Error No 4 comes only if I select 6 cylinders under Trigger settings visual, because by default it's selected on 4 cylinders - why?
4. Have I put right numbers under reference tooth table?


Hello MK,

Your trigger log looks good, but no secondary trigger signal, perhaps it was not enabled (or connected) ?

If your engine does not have (or need) variable cam control, you can run without secondary trigger connected, the right configlet for this, which sets the primary/secondary trigger settings, reftooth table and some other related bits is: "Subaru_36-2-2-2_H6_NoCamsync".

But before anything else, i would advise upgrading your ecu firmware to 1.2.28 to make sure this Subaru trigger is working properly. It's also imperative that you use a recent VemsTune which has been updated to the latest ini's using the "update ini files from web" (in preferences menu).

After this check your ignition timing and firing order with timing light (assuming all the other basics are setup properly) and you should be good to go.

Best regards, Dave


VEMS, thanks for the tips!

Will definitely upgrade the firmware this evening.
This engine does not have AVCS, it only has one cam sensor located in the RH bank (later AVCS engines have 2 cams sensors I suppose).

Just wanted to confirm again  -  is this "Subaru_36-2-2-2_H6_NoCamsync" the right settings for this engine, or this is batch-fire only setup?  Should  I choose this setting even in case going for sequential injection with camsync?


Hello MK,

There settings are correct for the engine when using NO Camsync, if you do want to use Camsync choose: "Subaru_36-2-2-2_H6_AVCS_Camsync", but disable the third trigger in motorsports cam angle control when you its not available.

Best regards, Dave


Thanks, Dave!

Perhaps you can also confirm that "Subaru_36-2-2-2_H6_AVCS_Camsync" is for RH cam sensor and not the LH ? If AVCS  H6 setup uses LH cam sensor (which is absent in my engine), what should I change in trigger settings in case of using the only RH cam sensor?
Does my reference tooth table looks correct to you?

Can somebody suggest the starting point of dwell settings for this "unknown spec Audi 2.8 30V N/A 3x2 wasted spark coil pack with built in ignitors ", part number: 078905104?

Again - thanks in advance!


Hello MK,

I have not checked your reference tooth table because this is also provided by the configlet, suggested dwell starting value for this Audi coil is 2.5msec.

If you configure as suggested using: "Subaru_36-2-2-2_H6_AVCS_Camsync" configlet, disable third trigger if not used, power cycle ecu and make another triggerlog (cranking no IGN/INJ fuse 8-10 sec) i'll review.

Best regards, Dave


Dave, again - thanks for your support!

I did what you suggested and upgraded to 1.2.28 FW and chose SUBARU H6 AVCS under trigger settings. This is what recorded trigger looks like (this time I also plugged in cam sensor):

Updated CFG:

Also tried to start the engine, only got few fire puffs out of exhaust ports. Changed Dwell settings to 2.5ms, tried to change ignition coil firing order, but without any luck. Also tried Subaru 36-2-2-2-nocamsync, no luck either. Perhaps everything was flooded and the  battery was empty so will try to correct fueling next time.Or perhaps I have missed something in the config.


Hello MK,

Perhaps you missed this section, but before anything else:

1) remove INJ fuse
2) check engine firing order and engine timing with timing light!
3) after firing order and engine timing is confirmed good, reinsert INJ fuse
4) fiddle with the req fuel to get the engine started.

Best regards, Dave


Hello, Dave!

I think it's definitely something wrong with the ignition. BTW, I reviewed config for EZ30R engine from this post:,2343.msg22630.html#msg22630 and it seems they are using 65 degree TDC after trigger, i.e. different from default settings of 36-2-2-2-H6-AVCS. I have never used the timing light (but i think I have oldschool one), but will give it a try this evening.