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BMW M50 Configuration help

Started by kloucks, May 04, 2014, 09:00:39 PM

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holset hx35
DEKA 630cc injectors
VEMS 3.6
firmware: 1.2.25

So I've been continually racking my brain as to why my current configuration isn't getting me off the ground at least.  With the gracious help from this forum I was able to get my triggerlog looking swell, but now its still not starting.  I've been following every path of investigation that I can, but I've recently hit a road block.  Any ideas for paths to follow or things to try are much appreciated.  Thanks


it looks like your coil firing order is wrong
Vems installer in Lithuania


That is what i have been looking into recently, but 0 20 40 0 20 40 is what Vemstune recommended from my trigger wheel inputs.  I'm also getting turned around with the whole 0,5,4,3,2,1 ignition output ordering, just seems odd to me.  Would having the firing order out of wack cause my injectors to not open? because that is also happening now.  Thanks for the help


Hello Kloucks,

I have reviewed your configuration and found a few things:

* Select "Sensor 1" for all injectors in Base Setup -> Ego Correction Banks; Since you are only running a single wideband sensor.
* Disable injector Angle in Base setup -> Injector angle curve (select Default "inj_curve_no_camsync); Since you are not using camsync.
* Fill correct ignition outputs in Base setup -> Ignition outputs visual; m50 is even fire 6cyl, there should be 3 event separation between same output channels.
* Swap VR+/VR- at sensor side, you have swapped VR polarity, see my answer in your other thread:,2275.msg22162.html#msg22162

Of course it is imperative that after these corrections you verify timing and firing order (before anything else) with a timing light and locked ignition.

Best regards,



Thanks Dave,

I have already swapped my VR inputs once in this process, but i will give it a shot.  I will implement the other changes you suggested and give an update. 


Hello Kloucks,

If VR wires have already been swapped than perhaps the triggerlog you posted is outdated ?

There is an easy way to verify for yourself if you have good or swapped VR polarity:

1) take a triggerlog of engine cranking (8-10sec) without Injector or Ignition fuse
2) in triggerlog dialog, press the "Result" button
3) search for the "MISSING TOOTH" lines in "Comments" column
4) in that same row evaluate the "Primary Diff Ratio", good VR polarity has around 3.0, swapped VR polarity (like in your triggerlog) has around 2.5.
5) swap VR wires and retry from step 1) if ratio not good.

Best regards, Dave


Hey Dave,

Well the first time I swapped them I was trying to fix the debacle I had myself in at the beginning of my other post.  I also did some searching and most BMW guys wire it the way that I had it (yellow wire as ground).  But I swapped it and it looks similar but i lost the second blip, which from what I understand is good.  I will post the log tonight when I get home.

I changed my injector angle setting, but I was unable to find the "sensor 1" setting as well as the "ego correction banks" dialog in any of the menus. I will also upload my configuration tonight.

I'm working on the timing right now.  I found a very handy visual that I think will help greatly here:

I'll let you know how that ends up.  Thanks again.

- kyle


Just use the default "BMW M20" settings (bottom of primary trigger dialog), it will work for most any BMW engine. Differences are the ignition order is offset between models, so shift the ignition output table until you find TDC for cyl 1 with 0 degree cranking advance.


Its looking much better.  I setup the trigger settings to the same as the m20 engine and I shifted the ignition outputs down one cycle because the way my VR is located its first trigger event is actually on the 5 and 2 cylinders.  I did this and now my timing looks right.  I haven't yet started the engine though.  My question is, does the injection table shift automatically, or do i basically have to shift those outputs one slot as well? Thanks again


You would notice if things happen automatically, and they don't.
You should shift the injector output table so that the matching cylinders in the ignition output table are on the same row in the injector output table.


Its alive!!! I just shifted the outputs and off she went! Thanks again guys.  I'm sure I will be leaning on you again soon.

Does anyone know any good VEMS tuners in the Portland OR area?


And I'm back.  I'm reading up on setting my reference tooth angle, and it says I should set my ignition advance to 0 degrees while the engine is running and then confirm that my first cylinder is firing right at TDC.  Is this safe to do? My instinct says that if i go past that TDC mark at all bad things will happen.  Should I just verify this while the motor is cranking without any fuel?  Thanks


It's safe to do, these engines idle stock at 5 degrees advance.  A short revving to get a stable timing light view is all that's necessary.


I've got my timing correct and my car can finally idle on its own!  I'm finding that the car starts and idles much easier when I retard the ignition a couple of degrees, is this normal?

I'm also having some troubles with my boost controller setup.  I have it on a stepper output because all my IGBTs and FETs are taken up.  I can get the solenoid to click on and off in testing mode, but when I start up the motor it is activating the wastegate the entire time.  Should I try another output? like the P259? or is it just a setting that I'm missing?  Here is my latest config and log file.


There is a setting to turn off the solenoid below a certain pressure/boost threshold. Usually you set this to just a few kPa above atmospheric, like 105 kPa, so that it starts doing it's job only then.

  There is more to it, but I won't go into that here. Start here :