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M50 VR trigger ghosts

Started by kloucks, May 01, 2014, 08:51:47 PM

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I am a VEMS noob as of right now so bare with me.  After several attempts to eradicate trigger noise from better grounding techniques, i am still having issues.  Before switching to a hall type sensor I wanted to run this by the experts on this forum.

I think I fried my two logic level inputs by connecting them to my COPs without a fuse (whoops) and now they don't do anything for me.  Could this be a source of noise somehow? Also do i have to replace the whole chip to get these channels back? 

Is there any sign of hope in the fact that my first two crack cycles look to be decent?  Could this at least give me a direction to start testing new avenues?

Thanks in advanced. 


You have to run the fastest communication speed to give VemsTune a chance to catch all the trigger teeth data from a running engine with 60-2.

Are you cranking through the whole log (pictured above), or are you starting the engine?


I'll up my communication speed and retry tomorrow.  The log shows the engine cranking, no injectors or ignition and spark plugs removed.


Suggestion: Install absolute latest VemsTune (not the stable version) and "update files manually" from the Preferences menu. Also, possibly upgrade firmware to 1.2.23, and start fresh from there but if you're already running 1.2.0 or more recent version then it's ok.


Well i think i can safely say that I would have never thought of that.  Now I have this to work with.

To address my next option I am running out of output drivers.  I'm short two, one for the boost controller and one for the Vanos.  I can either hook these to relays and then run the relays with my P259 outputs, or I can try to run my IAC with my stepper outputs and then use those two injfet outputs for the vanos and boost controller.  What do you suggest?  Thanks again Mattias, you are my hero.


Use the two spare injector outputs for IAC.
Vanos and boostcontrol on spare ignition channels.

You can run most boost-valves on Stepper, if you ground the other side of the valve-coil if you run out of channels.

Are you using 8x Logic ignition channels ?
Add IGBT to the last two channels, as you will never use more than 6 for the engine.


I'm pretty sure that my two logic levels are toast, and I figured that if I added IGBTs to those channels then they probably wouldn't work (assuming that the logic level chip activates these drivers). But if I can just add some IGBTS in there and gain some outputs back, that would be great.

I have 6 IGBTS and two logic levels. I'll give the stepper channels to drive the boost controller a try.


Hello Kloucks,

I have reviewed your triggerlog, you have swapped polarity on the primary trigger VR sensor, please swap VR+/VR- at sensor side.

Best regards,
