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VemsTune under Linux/Wine

Started by Sprockets, April 06, 2014, 02:46:57 PM

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Greetings all.

As a move away from XP and going back to Linux on an aging laptop, I tried to get Vemstune to run under wine.  All is well until it comes time to switch to the real time screens, which just brings things to a shuddering halt.  There seems to be a bug filed already on the WINE buglist, so was just keen to know 2 things really.

1) Is there going to be a cross platform version of VemsTune in the future?
2) If No....can anybody come up with a fix for WINE?! :)

I realise this is a tall ask to port to another OS, but with the new demise (?) of XP, Linux seems a good way to keep the old laptops with genuine serial ports running.  Going to try a few more of the ECU packages I use (Emerald/Motec/DTA etc) and see if it's a no go.  If not, will just have to dual boot.

Cheers for any suggestions



Moving away from the windows platform for tuning IMO is a silly thing to do.

Most/all tuning software from all mfg are designed for Windows OS.  I would really save the time and headache and just move back to XP if I were you.


I have set a dual boot on my home PC, xp for local stuff since it is not maintained any more and win7 for evrything.


Agreed to both comments.  Managed to find my XP install discs and threw it on alongside Linux.  Just more out of intrigue than much more.  The fact there was a bug report on the WINE list meant I wasn't the only one giving it a go :)

It also appears to use a lot of open source/cross platform stuff from looking at the libraries (wxWidgets) so was worth an ask.

Cheers guys



Has anyone had success running VemsTune under Linux/OSX with Wine?

It seemes to run very well, but there is just some kind of error happening when I open the IGN-2D view. It is so close to fully working that i believe there is a way to make it work.

The error i get differs a little with every crash, but it is always something related to a 32bit code:
QuoteUnhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x0000003a in 32-bit code
QuoteUnhandled exception: divide by zero in 32-bit code

I have tried it with different Wine versions (1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 1.9) and on two different computers (one 64bit and one 32bit). It always crashes at the same pages of the program and gives me the same kind of errors.