Hello Boostd Audi,
In verifying the chain from ABS ring to ecu, its best to split in a few separate easy checks:
1) Measure VR sensor resistance, without VR/Hall converter connected with DVM (Digital Volt Meter) in resistance mode (0-2kohm)
2) With DVM measure in AC voltage mode (0-2v), the voltage across VR+ and VR- of abs sensor without the VR/Hall converter connected to it, while turning the wheel as fast as possible by hand
3) Verify if the correct divider setting jumper is soldered
4) Verify wiring/connection to VR/Hall convertor (pin#1: 5v, pin#4: signal out, pin#5: GND)
5) When turning the wheel by hand verify (if possible by scope but DVM (in DC voltage 0-20v) should do at these low speeds), if you see alternating high and low voltage state.
If you can get back to me with readings/measurements and observations from tests above i can help you diagnose why it is not operating as intended.
Best regards,