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Display problem

Started by Lord_o21, July 27, 2007, 09:11:20 AM

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Me and my m8 assambled vems unit connected to a laptop and its working, but the LCD just fades out. Any ideas 2 solve this problem?


Mine whent through a very funny stage and found I had a broken feed connection to the back of the LCD screen.


'The older I get the faster I was'


I, this last week, too have been encountering a display problem. Funny thing is that it happened last saturday, rectified itself, had been fine all the way through the week and then reapeared yesterday, Saturday ::).

The problem im having is several things. First is the screen some times just goes blank untill you switch off the engine and restart. an other is, the screen is fine and when you start the engine, the dispaly freezes for a short period then comes up with jumbled information and some hiroglyphic characters and reads no usefull information at all, other times after the screen freezes, it flickers and is then fine, again aother times its fine then sudenly freaks out with characters where there shouldnt be.

I suspect either a grounding issue (no surprise really after the weather/puddles encountered) or interfearance of some sort, could also be a broken connection some where.

Havent realy looked at it but if any one has any pointers before i go pulling things appart ;)

[email protected]

I hate these displays and never use them in any of the systems that I spec.
dnb has had fun and games messing around with his. The issues that you most often find is that the LCDs pickup noise which I am guessing causes the LCD driver to crash.  I think David said that he's using loads of screening and ferrite about the place in order to get stability.



As Rob says, I had some issues with mine, but now it's pretty reliable.  Mostly the problems were from interference & poor shielding.  Decent cable and a ferrite core on it helped.

There are some settings in MT that help with noise rejection too, but I forget what they are...


Well lcd worked just fine and the just faded out and now dead...There is only backlight on lcd.We found another lcd,not from the webshop but 4x20 too,so we will try it...maybe wires were problem...
will update as soon as we get this straight
E30 2.7 - VEMS,KKK K27.2,Schrick,1bar


How long is you cable to the display?




Display problem still persist,i cant remember but i think the lcd problems showed with firmware changed...will try to fix it today,and i`ll post results.
E30 2.7 - VEMS,KKK K27.2,Schrick,1bar


Mine has about a meter of computer ribon cable.

but its nowhere near any other electrical items at the moment ( so suspect no interferance ).


'The older I get the faster I was'


Diksply problem solved. One resistor was dead...