Progress, but settings confirmation needed:
I now have 215cc injectors in the head and 443cc in the throttle bodies, I have set the thresholds for secondary injection as 25% tps and 1700rpm.
What I would like to understand is how the actual fuel injected is calculated and should the thresholds used be the same as figures the VE table.
Example: Using only 440c injector the RPM/TPS table at 25%TPS the amount injected goes from 100 at 1500rpm to 110 at 1700rpm, and at any point between the two figures VEMS calculates the required fuel between the two i.e. at 1600rpm it would use 105.
Now with two set of injectors (215c primary and 443c secondary, which gives a total of 547c once second injectors are triggered) and the staging set to 25% and 1700rpm I calculate the table to become (roughly) 200 at 1500rpm and 80 at 1700rpm.
So what does VEMS do at 1600rpm??? My concern is that it would interpolate a figure of 140 but only use the primary injectors as the trigger threshold for the second injectors has not been passed.
Do I need to use threshold figures that match the X and Y axis on my VE table?
We'll I got the above totally wrong, VEMS manages the second set and the 'VE table has its regular shape, I had mistakenly thought the table would drop in values as the second set came in.