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How to create custom calculated channel in VT?

Started by GintsK, October 15, 2013, 09:26:41 AM

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I see ready to go solution: if it would be possible to add my new channel to that datalog part what converts to .csv.  - afterwards it is just matter of few clicks to get statistically calculated average.

I believe it about to add just few rows in some .ini file. But how and where?



Pointer: Search for "[Datalog]" in the ini which matches your firmware, e.g. for 1.2.11 firmware use Vemstune_Install_Dir/config/VemsTune-v3-1.2.11.ini

Regards, Dave


Thanks Dave.

I´ll see what I can make work tomorrow in terms of logging and custom math channels.

Any chances on implementing additional math functions? like filtering, integration over time, differentiation against time, previous value comparison
registry creating? Even if it´s only possible in Log viewer and not real time, more important that way anyway, especially with heavy math.


integral(channel_name) , and say you have roadspeed as the channel you get distance as the product, or if you have acceleration you get velocity and so on,


differentiate ( GPSspeed ) , gives you acceleration and so on .


Gunni, i understand your proposals seems like a nice addition. If you could add a proposal to wiki:

Then we can start with this if time/schedule and priority allows it,

Regards, Dave