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Start SD Card Log with switch (input channel)

Started by brieken, May 16, 2013, 07:47:08 AM

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I see how I can start an SD Card Log by engine start, WOT, Misc1 or Misc2 conditions. But is it also possible tot start and stop logging using a switch connected to an input channel?

I want to only log drag race runs. So i want the driver to flip the switch before doing a burnout and then switch back at the end of the run. That way i don't have to search for the correct log. Because we want to analyze fast after each run.


You can easily create conditions in the Misc2 for that to work,

so if you know what his minimum rpm is doing a burnout and pedal position you can trigger the log that way so while he drives to the burnout box nothing is logged, he´ll have to power cycle the ecu after each run to reset.


I was also thinking about doing it like that if a button is not possible. Take a misc output. And use rpm (min 4000 rpm) and tps (min 95%). But also use wheelspeed <= 0 for an undriven wheel. That way I know the car is going to launch using launchcontrol. (car standing stil but pedal to the metal)



I Cant get mine to log onto the card at all,
OR i Cant find the logs that it logs :)

working on the boxer


Have you erased the SD card? I think thats needed for it to be correctly formatted.


Erase card, powercycle the ECU (=off then on again), start then stop logging (through SD card menu), browse SD card and you should have one log file.

What's irritating is that you have to manually press the "update" button to get the latest file list. Not sure why, but it probably has to do with the file system used and that there is no real time clock (time stamps = no).

I have one car that really needs logging (drag race only) and he's running 1.1.81 just because it works with that firmware. I tried 1.2.0 a year ago and it didn't work out at all. Not sure what the current functionality is, hopefully better but I have to try on a daily driver type of setup to really get some answers.


I have internal logging with 1.2.0 and above no problem.


Quote from: gunni on May 20, 2013, 06:55:58 PM
I have internal logging with 1.2.0 and above no problem.
no problem too in drag car
Vems installer in Lithuania
[email protected]


firmware around 1.1.9x and after are better for logging.
I have more than 60 sd card installed with lot of different version of firmware(most are 1.1.96, but few 1.2.10+) without problems.
Only you need erase card before first use.


Indeed, better to have small sized files since there is no tool (as far I know)  to extract chunk of data from a huge file .vemslog file. Conversion to .cvs is not the way to go to handle large file, better to work on binaries

Does some one know the .vemslog format? With that info it would be easier to analyse the data


You can save a small portion of a log file with the logviewer in vemstune. When you select the part you want to save seperately. press the arrow sign i think it is.


I did not find this function. However I found the "Open Vems file advanced" item of the file menu where there are options to analyse files. So I started the "microscop" option to have a look on a 1mB file, 1/4h later half is done.
Sorry Brieken this not directly the topic of your thread which is pre-selecting SD recording, this is more about post-selecting but not too far away ;)
Any info about the .vemslog file format