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strange triggering

Started by Marty, March 30, 2013, 06:13:08 PM

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I'm using a 60-2 with a VR crank and Hall cam secondary. Logically I would expect 58 primary per cycle, and 1 secondary for each 2 cycles (This is pretty fundamental isn't it?). for some reason I get a pretty nice steady log at idle but when I rev things seem to go haywire. Shouldn't the triggering remain the same, only faster at higher rpms?
I have weird primary 'misses', and occasional secondary 'misses', and even occasional blocks (2 cycles maybe) where no triggering appears at all.
for troubleshooting:
- I have a good solid mount for my VR sensor
- both of my Cam/Crank sensors are shielded and situated away from ignition leads (although somewhat near the injector leads)
- I have tried 2 VR sensors with very similar trigger log results
- I have adjusted the crank sensor within factory spec'd tolerances, between max and min
- Things did improve quite a bit when I got to the 'closest' tolerance, but I didn't want to go too close unless it's really called for(?)
I'm hoping for some help reviewing this trigger log and info on what type of information I can learn from it



Four stroke cycle is 720 deg if about fundamentals.

Do you receive trigger errors at higher revs or your problem is just messed triggerlog. If second - it is just because of too slow data stream.


my fundamentals question was more 'it should look the same (relatively of course) at high and low RPM's?' (and assuming the data sampling is fast enough).
or to ask it another way: There are no 'intricacies' at higher RPM's that would cause the trigger *pattern to change wildly.

I am sampling at 55k baud rate, and there is a misfire and 'pr less trig' error at ~3200 rpms. The ECU appears to be totally lost due to missing triggers, and maybe even unexpected triggers. So it throws an error, resets, backfires and then resynchronizes as I am already decelerating by this point. -Recall at lower RPMs, the triggering is fine.

I should note that I'm in the process of low speed mapping and tuning, driving around my neighborhood. It's not ready for any speedy driving yet, and I haven't reached 4000 RPM's yet, at any point.   

If I can be assured (by someones confirmation) that I should be able to look at the trigger log and see a steady pattern at any rpm, then I'd have more confidence my troubleshooting path.


Yes pattern should stay the same all the rpm range. However it is not a big problem if cam sync signal drift. Until missing gap or close to it.

Most helpful tool for further diagnostics would be oscilloscope.



So, I've been making slow progress and tuning one tiny step at a time but I'm still getting triggering issues at ~3200 RPM or so.
After doing a lot of diagnostics, miscellaneous troubleshooting, rewiring, and even a little timing adjustment (to semi-rule out 'horrible timing' as the culprit), I'm pretty much still at square 1.
Yesterday I searched the internet for "VEMS, Trigger error at 3000" or something like that and many results came back that started me wondering if I'm experiencing what has been discussed and resolved sometime back.
Here is my symptom:
The car starts and accelerates relatively well, until almost exactly 3200 and then I get trigger errors and an ECU reset (indicated by afterstart, warmup etc. lights coming on). 
I reproduce this issue as follows:
    Turn out onto a 1/2 mile stretch of road
    Accelerate at slow to medium speed in 1st until the trigger error at 3200 --> trailer hitch, bounce, shudder, hesitation and whatever else you'd like to call it
    Repeat in 2nd gear
    Repeat in 3rd gear, but more gingerly since I'm approaching 3200 already, and I usually shift early or brace for backfire (tailgaters love this next part :-D)
    Shift into 4th. If I trig error-ed in 3rd, I expect a large backfire, but if not I accelerate nice, very slow and steady to about 3400 or maybe even 3500 and then pull back into my neighborhood.
I've done this probably 30 times in the last few weeks, and the results are almost exactly the same every time.

The reading I've done seems to suggest some possibilities, but this information is quite old, and the threads suggest that a few small changes would solve it. This made me think they were likely to already be implemented in the system(?):
A) secondary (Hall) window and Primary (VR) "Zero" trigger Not being close enough (I'm pretty sure mine a many teeth apart)
B) Not having an "inverter" (I bought the system directly from the VEMS website; never thought to look for a pre configured one)
C) Not wired correctly, so that the VR is triggering backward (I'm not certain about this, but I have moved the primary trigger wires around many times and tested with no success)

I have tested my sensors on an oscilloscope, and they seem to trigger nice and steady, but I have not yet gotten around to testing "at" the EC36 connector.
Can someone comment on the likelihood of A, B or C being my issue, and if not -What might I be missing?

My VEMS was purchased new from the "factory" not too long ago, and I'm also using current firmware.
Thanks for any help, I have been trying to get this car on the road for soo long!  ???


Can you post some .vemslog ?
I can't recall any case where trigerlog caused ECU resets. Usually it is just trigger errors.

60-2 do not require inverter for cam sensor. It is installed just in boards ordered with Auditrigger.


Your ecu doesn't reset(see clock in log).
Problem is with sec trigger. Try rissing edge(you need to change outputs) or you can filtered wrong pulses with new firmware and value 250.

Also your inj angle table is in wrong dirrection(rpms).


I'm net sure what the injector angle table is used for (I'm an understudy :)), if we're referring to the same thing, I just used a value from the drop list IIRC.
Can you clarify the use of that table?


Injector timing curve is used to advance the injectio timing point as rpm ries this is more to do with emissions but can also see an improvement iin torque.


Quote from: Sprocket on May 04, 2013, 08:23:21 AM
Injector timing curve is used to advance the injectio timing point as rpm ries this is more to do with emissions but can also see an improvement iin torque.

Yesterday i mapped 2.0 16v engine, 9000rpm, 267HP. Only with that angle it gains 7HP.
Also tested on one 2.0 20v turbo engine, gain was 20HP.


Hello, same issue to me, audi 20vt AAN  60-2 +camsync, starts,runs fine up to 3200rpm, then sudden primary trigger loss, huge missfire an so on. Tried a lot of things, like pulling LM1815 5 leg to +, software chinging from , even changed primary sensor to HALL, but with no effect. But..
Yesterday, after whole week of sleepless nights changed VR sender from Hitachi (old audi turbo, 500 ohm imp. ) to bosch one from vectra B ABS  ( 1500 ohm imp),allso changed main ground cable to 6mm2 (was 2x2mm2), and finaly grounded 1 extra sensor ground from ignition coil sensor ground  to intake manifold . Ignition coils -beru grey ones  from 2,0tfsi. AND IT'S OK ;D

firmware 1.2.9


- Hmmm, are these sensors easy to come by? I'd like to try one, but Vauxhall is not sold in the states. Not sure if it crosses with another model around here either.


Quote from: Marty on May 07, 2013, 06:11:50 PM
- Hmmm, are these sensors easy to come by? I'd like to try one, but Vauxhall is not sold in the states. Not sure if it crosses with another model around here either.
audi, renault, opel, vauxhall,bmw ... lots of model use the same model.