Technical > Wiring & Sensors
Re: How can i install oil pressure and fuel pres sensor?
I'm looking into what your suggesting above at the moment, only i'll be using an arm7 based atmel micro and a VFD display. We use the VFD on a product at work so with any luck of should be able to buy the display for a reasonable price. Its 320X32 dots, so loads of resolution, the idea was as its long and thin it would fit nicely under a speedo/revcounter. It will be a lot easyier to read than an LCD too.
Looks very nice that :)
Liking the look of that... I have possible other uses if displays are not too expensive :)
Pretty sure we are paying under £20 in volumes, which is dirt cheap. the ARM 7 MCU's come in at under £4 a piece.
Nice. :) What's the interface to the display?
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