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034 iacv help

Started by njorge0319, January 03, 2013, 01:32:41 AM

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right now im using my stepper outputs to control my ignition

i just ordered a stepper iacv 4pin from 034, is there another way i can control this without using the 18pin connector stepper outputs or should i move my ignition outputs elsewhere?

i believe the ignition outputs right now are from the steppers with resistors... im not 100% cause i didnt set it up myself


4-pin stepper? The only option for it is use stepper outputs from EC18 connector. So you have to migrate your ignition outputs to I259 logical outputs designed for 8 IGBTs.
What coils you have?


it was a stupid question i know...i have vag cop. i converteded to TTL mode,  i removed 4 of the FET drivers last night and bridged the outputs..

i believe that should work for my coils and now i should be able to use my stepper outputs for my idle motor

it took my a few hours of searching and talking to people last night to figure it out

heres a pic i found last night with the outputs bridged...(took me forever to find a pic of this)

links that helped me..


so i finally got my idle valve from 034 yesterday.

i had to switch my ognition outputs from the steppers to logic ign outputs.. i remved my igbts and bridged to connections also added 511 resistors in parrallel to get about 250ohm.. my ignitions working perfectly now..

now i setup the iacv off the stepper outputs and the valve is working, i still need to plumb it in after i get some bungs welded in place later today.

now if anyone can help me with my settings for the valve..
im not even sure where to start

right now with out the valve the car idles perfectly the only thing is when its cold it stalls when i let of the throttle. this gets better once the engine has warmed up fully but the rpms still dip down really low and it does stall at times coming off of a load.

i figured installing the valve would help to correct this i just need to understand how most of these settings work.
im assuming i need to figure out how many steps fully open and close the valve? correct?

do i need to do anything with this.....?

should i keep everything here the same?

and here?

im not even sure what to do with this screen here


and this screen iac min map and iac close position, where abouts should those values be?
im thinking i would want the iac to close when i go into boost so 100kpa?
and the close position i guess i would have to figure out how many steps it closes at?

i guess my biggest question is how do i figure out how many steps to open and close the valve?

sorry if this is kinda broad, all this sem stuff is new to me


ok soo after some more searching and reading and some messing around on my own in vemstune i think i figured most of this out on my own.. i understand what the iac lock and control features in the toolbox are for now.

i now understand that 255 closes the valve and 1 is fully open.

now i set my iac close minmap to 106kpa and the iac close position to 255, hopefully this will work well.

can anyone tel me what the alphaN-iac compensation is for? it set at 198, im not sure if i need to adjust that or not??

also the refpos addition for MAT,slope...its at 5.9%15step/70c... not sure if thats good or not?? can anyone explain these to me

now under stepper idle control...
i have iac float set to float..whats the difference between ormal ad float?
its set to 244steps/sec...good?

i set my max steps to 255 and min to 128.. not sure about these as well

also i reversed my refpos curve from sloping down to up since 255 closed the valve, made sense to me but im not sure if im doing this right or not

can anyone chime in and give me some pointers  ???


255 must be opened, 0 - closed. Otherwise closed loop control will not work.
You have to reverse step sequence under stepper hardware.

Stepper speed: to high - stepper can lose steps. Means - position.
To slow - simply to slow reactions.

Alpha-N compensation = 0. You have speed-density I guess.

MAT slope - you can find it during tuning. Target is keep closed loop in same direction from bias position. Best value to look at is IAC integral. 3...7% is ballpark.

I don't knew what float means...




thanks for the replies.

ok so i reversed my stepper so 255 is open and 0 closed and i changed my settings back to how they were...

and so for the alphaN iac comp i should move it to 0? can u explain what this setting does? its not in the menu when u hit f1 in vemstune


well anyway, i got everything working pretty good.

the car is idling nicely around 900rpms and drives well also..

i still have a problem where the idle dips down to around 400 or so and normally pulls itself back up to an idle but id like to be able to fix this somehow...

im not sure if i should get one of those plunger things from an 0bd1 throttle body to kind of ease my throttle plate back down to rest or if there is something i can do in the tune to correct this. im not sure if the idle valve can compensate fast enough.

im using the gm stepper valve from 034 with 6AN hose and fittings,  only about 6" of hose from the valve to the intake manifold.. maybe i should use 3/4" hose for more volume??

it would be nice if VEMS would try to implement a way to use the VAG tb motor to control idle. some way of using the switch in the TB and an input for a second TPS signal


thinking about using an obd1 tb with this plunger thing... maybe this will take care of that dip when i come off of a load??
or are the ways to manage without a mechanical advantage like that plunger? can i tune my idle around this?$(KGrHqQOKigE5dk6sFmRBOeMzHERu!~~_35.JPG


Key for nice settling to idle is keep IACintegral neagtive at target. Means reference position curve should be above real position at target rpm.
My way is to set I value low like 4....10, but allow huge integral limits.
Beware from loosing steps from too high stepper speed.