Technical > Wiring & Sensors
boost control
i bougth vems with all harness and sensors like knoc, map, vs. but there is no boost selenoid, does any one knows a selenoid works with vems?
and am i control the boost firt gear 0.7 bar second 0.8 ..........
or do you advice buy a hks evc 6
VEMS has boost control, but no way of sensing which gear it is in. We use a 40€ 3 port valve:
The information for its connection is in the UserGuide
i bougth the selenoid whic shows in picture, but i did't fix it.
Please give me the installation of this selenoid.
Section: Connecting A Boost Control Solenoid
Can someone explain if the recommended method using that solenoid allows for the prevention of premature wastegate creep? What I mean is, the turbo dodge crowd have put valves in their wastegate lines that prevent the actuator from seeing any pressure until the desired boost pressure is reached. They've been doing this for some 10 years. The idea is, the pressure slowly opens the wastegate as it rises, providing a smooth transition from no boost to full boost. With this valve in place, full boost is achieved markedly sooner. Here's a quick explanation of the process:
Do we get the same benefit? Or should I plan on putting one of these valves in addition to the solenoid?
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