
When asking for technical help at the very least let us know the version of firmware you are running.
Cliff's Calibration (Mapping) Guide is a MUST READ:,97.0.html

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Started by jeanno, December 05, 2012, 01:07:16 PM

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I run a VEMS v3.3. I recently upgraded firmware from 1.1.96 to 1.2.0 mainly for improved wideband measurement rate.
I also moved to last Vemstune (02-nov nightly version).

Now when I make a "config sanity check" I got one error : "wbo2_ri_target should be greater then 175."
In fact this parameter is set to 150 in my config as in many other configs I saw.

I don't know if this error came from Vemstune or firmware upgrade...
What exactly is this? Should I worry about it ? Should I raise its value? If I modify this will I have to make a wideband calibration again?
Project : Peugeot 106 Xsi 1992
Member page :
Engine is a tuned 1.6 litre 4 cyl / 8 valves (TU5J2) with 220 cc/min injectors fired individually+ wasted spark


No answer : I guess that means I do not have to worry.
Project : Peugeot 106 Xsi 1992
Member page :
Engine is a tuned 1.6 litre 4 cyl / 8 valves (TU5J2) with 220 cc/min injectors fired individually+ wasted spark


In principle if I understand correctly Ri target is related to temperature target of sensor tip. I have everywhere 150.
180 seems colder...
This is not right place to ask this question as here is no developers. Go wiki.


I'd use VEMS default values and then calibrate wbo2_nernstdc_target and wbo2_pump_pw_zero Then free air calibrate the sensors

LCD helps


That is even more confusing:

If you choose from drop-down menu in WBO2 window defaults it is 150. Value is used almost everywhere in wiki.
Dafault firmware configs has 165.
Nightly VT says - should be more than 175.

Value change the sensor target  temperature. It is measured by AC voltage trough the nernst cell PTC element. Acording BOSCH target should be exactly 80 Ohm. It correspond to 750degC. If we change the target, we change the temperature...