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Audi S2 . 60-2 without camsync

Started by Erikk, October 21, 2012, 12:52:32 AM

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Started my own car today :) Its been a couple of years since i started the rebuild.
The hydraulic lifters havnt had time to fill yet, so its making a creepy sound ;)

Running with 60-2 configured as 10cyl wastedspark without camsync.
Works perfectly! Just use Ignition fire order 1-5-2-3-4 and Injector divider 2 ( injector fire order same as usual ) and you´re all set !


Hello Erik,
i have tested yesterday the same.
I use the Polo 16v Cranktriggerwheel and the factory Camhall under the Camshaftpulley.

Unfortunately comes a sec trigger error by cranking.And the car don't start.
I have changed the Injection Divider from 1 to 2 and numer of Cylinders from 5 to 10.

The firing order factory -->>>>12453
My car starts by   --->>>                53124
Because the first Trigger Tooth after the gab is 16 TDC after the Trigger is 56.

The firing order factory with Wasted Spark is -->>15234
The order for my Triggerwheel with WastedSpark-->>34152

Here is a little overview of the settings :

where could be the error??

Best regards


The 10cyl configurationtrick is just needed when running without camsync.
To do so, you have next trigger tooth = 12
Reference table , 0, 48, 36, 24, 12
Camsync = disabled
Cylinders: 10

You can configure your engine as normal 5cyl


When i disable the Cam Sync then comes a Primary Trigger error in the flag.


Did you change all the settings? You have to remember the next trigger tooth = 12 and to enter de new trigger reference tooth table.

Idling :)